Yuri Doujinshi Circle: Pasterage

January 29th, 2005

Pasterage is one of those circles that is comprised of a really nice guy who gently obsesses on sweet yuri love. Pasterage characters invariably wear frilly dresses (when not in school uniforms) and the stories are invariably adorable and harmless, with a soft edge of goofy to them. I find myself grinning like an idiot when I read them.

The two characters seen in the above picture meet, not surprisingly, in school. Sayuka, on the right, and Shino, left, have a rocky start to their relationship, as Shino is momentarily infatuated by an Utena-like sempai. And after they become a couple, their hand-holding happiness is likewise interrupted by an infatuated kouhai, but frilly dresses and yuri googly-ness prevail. Shino and Sayuki live forever in frilly yuri bliss.

And really, what more can we ask from a doujinshi? :-)

Again, no ground-breaking efforts (and no sex in the school library…sorry Jen!) from Pasterage, but here is their lovely gallery for you to enjoy. :-)

One Response

  1. punistation says:

    “Again, no ground-breaking efforts (and no sex in the school library…”

    When there’s nothing else to believe in… believe in hope. ^_^

    And while I know not of the obsessions (albeit gentle) of any man, I’m adding this to the “probably never own but want anyway” list (being a closet frilly n’ all).

    Honestly, either amazon.com becomes the planet’s greatest hoard of rare & foreign books both published and doujin, or I’m just gonna have to pout like I’ve never pouted before.

    Kisses XXOOXX

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