Brains and Brawn

February 1st, 2007

Reviews are going to thin out for a little while, but not because I’m slacking. And not because of bad stuff. In fact, it’s all good. I just have one of theose weeks that are a confluence of *things*: a Yuri Monogatari Project deadline, getting ready for New York Comic Con, and a lecture in NYC by a friend of mine. Which is what I want to mention today, as it involves…a book.

Just a little less than a year ago, I was in Illinois and I had the pleasure of reading Black Bodies and Quantum Cats written by my friend Jennifer Ouellete.

Jen has a new book out, one that will surely appeal to geeks of all kinds. Her new book, The Physics of the Buffyverse, combines three of Jen’s favorite things in one – physics, fighting and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.

Tonight, she’s going to be doing a combination book-promotion/signing/lecture/martial arts demo, “The Physics of the Fight: Isaac Newton in the Buffyverse,” in New York City. I plan on being there – you all know how I feel about women who kick ass. LOL Nuthin’ I like better than to watch a real women beat people down…for fun. Just for a laugh, I contacted some old Martial Arts friends and we’re going to have a little reunion at the lecture. (If you’re interested in attending the lecture, you’ll want to get the details from Jen’s own faboo blog, Cocktail Party Physics.) So, tonight I’ll be setting aside my “Doyen of Yuri” life for an earlier incarnation. (Which means that, for the fourth time this week, my old MA will come up in conversation…I’m starting to think the universe is trying to make a point….)

Anyway, when I’ve read Jen’s book, I’ll be sure to let you know how it is. I have no doubt that it’ll be fun. And I’ll start doing reviews again next week. Promise.


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