Events: Otakon Day 1 and Yuri Panel News

July 21st, 2007

The Yuri Panel at Otakon will be held on *Sunday* at 1PM in Panel Room 1.

I wanted to make sure I didn’t forget to mention that. I hope we’ll see you there!


Now, for a short Otakon Day 1 report.

Big fun all around as you can imagine. You can never quite understand the enjoyment of running around to three locations for badges, unloading boxes, unpacking boxes, storing boxes, assembling and hanging banners, arranging books, etc, in an un-airconditioned in 90-degree+ heat, until you’ve done it too. But that was the day before Day 1.

On Day 1, inexplicably, Baltimore weather was beautiful and bright with a light wind and not excessive heat and people arrived and it becomes a acid-trip of color and fun and noise and other stuff that simultaneously delights and annoys. :-)

Hello to everyone who came by the table to chat – especially those of you who said that you read Okazu all the time. As I always say, it’s great to know that someone other than me and the wife enjoy it. ;-)

I have to say, we were pretty busy yesterday, which makes the day go much faster, so be sure to drop by and make our day go faster! LOL We’re at Table 410 in the DR (Ignore the other, empty booth that have Yuricon signs. I have no clue what went on there….)

Last night we did something we’ve never done before – almost all of the Yuricon senior staff was gathered in one place, so we went out for dinner, actually got some business done(!) and had a great meal together. It was really pretty cool. After 7 years. it finally felt like a “real” con. That willl change as I will undoubtedly do something completely different next time. :-)

I expect some fun today – if it all pans out, I will have a great story to tell you tomorrow – check back!!

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