Maria-sama ga Miteru Licensed by Nozomi/Right Stuf

March 6th, 2008

Nozomi and Right Stuf have an adorable announcement “Nozomi, Right Stuff and the Students and Faculty of Lillian Girls’ Academy are pleased to announce the North American debut of Maria Watches Over Us.” On Lillian stationery.

How cute is that? :-)

So – Good heavens, Marimite is licensed for the US!!!!

We’re getting subtitles only, season box sets for VERY reasonable prices. I am about to go pre-order my copies right now.

…A sign of the end times, surely. Hope I get my DVDs before it all comes crashing down. :-)

9 Responses

  1. Jolteus says:

    This really is the best news ever. I just preodered all three seasons. I can’t wait.

  2. ajshepherd says:

    I was absolutely gobsmacked and overjoyed.
    I preordered the lot, I’m so looking forward to it.

    Hopefully this means they’ll eventually pick up the fourth season which airs in Japan later this year.

  3. Anonymous says:

    YAY!!!! This is awesome!!!!!!!!

  4. Phil L. says:

    This has been a long time coming; I would’ve thought you would have a bigger, stylish banner or decorate this post with pictures or something. Oh well, this is still quite news here, so hoo-rah!

  5. soulassassin says:

    Been a very, very long time… Just about right.. Stuf! Probably the best morning I ever had for hearing this news. I’m a bit lucky to download all three seasons and archive them to DVD.

    Here’s hoping Rightstuf does it right. :D

  6. Sorry – it’s been a tough week and I’m not much of a graphics person. I think the Right Stuf site is nicer than anything I could do anyway. :-)

  7. Adam says:

    I only hope they make sure to keep the honorifics in the subtitles. “Miss Sachiko” would make the baby Jesus cry.

    Still, I shall be ordering these as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

  8. basic.syntax says:

    Zapped by a bolt out of the blue – awesome news. Now we R1 folks can all have new “visions of the Virgin Mary.” (Ref. the Manichi news article ;-).

  9. sumi says:

    i don’t know if you’ve seen this, but i’m sure the marimite fandom would love to know about it. i was looking at the cobalt website and stumbled across this gem:

    雑誌Cobalt増刊 発売決定!! 2008/04/18
    お待たせしました! 『別冊Cobalt』第2弾が4月18日(金)に発売になります!!

    桑原水菜『炎の蜃気楼 赤鯨衆編』 ほか、注目作品満載!


    you’ll notice the first star says “maria-sama ga miteru” hanadera academy edition.
    konno oyuki “o-shaka-sama mo miteru” [the buddha is also watching]

    i thought it quite amusing. :D

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