This Week in Yuri

March 29th, 2008

ALC Publishing will be reprinting WORKS by Eriko Tadeno this summer. This will be the third printing. Look for it in the Diamond Previews catalog for May, and of course we’ll be doing pre-order deals on the Yuricon Shop. Look for those starting in May, as well.


There’s been some trouble getting Seven Seas titles in the non-US market, and after some digging around, Brigid Alverson of Mangablog uncovered a blog post that talked about why:

Tiamat’s Disciple had trouble finding Seven Seas titles, so he e-mailed the company and got an interesting explanation: They switched distributors from Diamond to Tor/Macmillan, and Diamond wouldn’t let go of their backlist stock until the end of February. TD is in the UK, but I’m wondering if that problem affected the US as well.

So, that’s probably why you’re having some trouble finding it. So, your choices right now are – check out local book stores and see if they have it on the shelves (an activity that will also get you out of the house and might help you discover some *other* titles of interest, too, so it’s a good idea all around) or just hold on and wait a month or so, until the distribution issue clears.


We have two new collections from Yuri Hime magazine coming up. Epitaph is the story of Towa and Ash, goth loli girls who deliver messages from the dead. And the final volume of Hatsukoi Shimai,will also be avaiable shortly. Both are, of course, on the Yuricon Shop under manga from Japan. I probably won’t be getting Epitaph, so it you want a review of it, feel free to write one. :-)


As I mentioned last week, the first volume of the Strawberry Panic anime hit the shelves recently, so I hope you’ll get that, as well. There’s 6 episodes on the first disk, which is a pretty good deal. :-) (Also available through the Yuricon Shop. We try to be comprehensive. lol)


Friends of Yuri from Japan tell us that at the Comitia 84 comic market in Tokyo, there will be a mini Yuri market called “Yuribu,” made up of 100 Yuri doujinshi circles. Details about this and other upcoming events on the Yuri Events page on Yuricon. Check there for panels, lectures and other Yuri related events from around the world!


There’s lots of exciting Yuri news coming around the corner, I promise. I’ll tell you as soon as I can. :-)

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