Drama CD: Maria-sama ga Miteru Rosario no Shizuku/Kibara Chuuihou

October 14th, 2009

I gotta admit, when I received my package from Amazon JP and it included the Drama CD Maria-sama ga Miteru Rosario no Shizuku/Kibara Chuuihou ( マリア様がみてる ロザリオの滴/黄薔薇注意報) and Rainy Blue, I thought, “Well geez guys, this is unfair. I have the misery all bundled together and, yet, Parosol o Sashite remains yet unrealized.” But I bravely waded into the rain to listen the stories of White and Yellow Rose sisters.

Shimako is unduly torturing herself because she does not want to burden Noriko with a weight of responsibility by giving her her rosary. Luckily, Noriko is stronger than that and ultimately makes the decision easier for her beloved Shimako-san. This Drama is about 35 minutes long – nothing major is left out. It is told from Shimako’s point of view.

The second disk is also about 35 minutes long. It follows Yoshino and Rei as they fight to carve out new territory between them, now that Yoshino is hale and hearty. In the first Yellow Rose Revolution, Yoshino has our whole-hearted support, as she pushes the envelope for Rei’s sake. This time, we (and she) are blaming her more and rightfully so. In a real sign that she *does* accept that Yoshino is healthy, Rei fights back. I feel like the end of this DCD version of the story was rewritten and not, IMHO, for the better. I felt a little unsatisfied with the way it was handled, but that could be me retconning. One day when I have time, I’ll check the novel and see if I’m just imagining things. In any case, they too reconcile and until nearly a year later will have no more disagreements. Phew.

Which leaves us with just one more rainy season story for me to deal with…and every time I have to face it, I feel less and less happy about it. How I very much wish that Parasol o Sashite was already out! T_T


Story – 7
Characters – 8
Yuri – 3
Service – 0

Overall – 7

I’ll be better once we get past this arc. I promise. /sniff/

7 Responses

  1. BruceMcF says:

    Sounds nice for you Japanese speakers. {/style}

    Clearly what is needed is a slideshow video of Maria-sama ga Miteru art that can be the background to a subtitle of the Drama CD.


    Oh, wait, that would be a niche-in-a-niche market, when the niche market itself is struggling, as I struggled to explain to the proprietor of a black-market streaming site getting all indignant about the bully-boy tactics of Funimation telling his server to stop being accomplices in trampling on Funimation’s rights.

    ‘Cause nothing spells “bully” quite as much as an injured party serving notice that the law is being violated

  2. Kimmie-chan says:

    Is that’s supposed to be Shimako and Noriko on the cover? The character design looks a little different… Shimako’s sits differently… and Noriko’s longer than it was before and looking a little bit younger?

  3. BruceMcF says:

    Consider the illustration on the cover of vol. 6 (Valentine’s Gift (Part II)) … I’m thinking the anime character design gives Shimako bigger hair.

  4. BruceMcF says:

    Oh, fudge, I thought that link worked in the previous.

    This time the real baka-tsuki project jpg

    hontō-ni gomen nasai

  5. It’s sensible to remember that at for anime, manga, DCDs and the like are created by a multitude of different artists. Hibiki Reine does the novel cover art, but not the anime art…and not this DCD cover. Consistency between all these many artists is not guaranteed. Even within single episodes it not uncommon to find character inconsistencies.

  6. It’s sensible to remember that at for anime, manga, DCDs and the like are created by a multitude of different artists. Hibiki Reine does the novel cover art, but not the anime art…and not this DCD cover. Consistency between all these many artists is not guaranteed. Even within single episodes it not uncommon to find character inconsistencies.

  7. BruceMcF says:

    Quite – and while the art in the light novel clearly set the basic character design for the anime, it looks as if the artist for the cover art was more inspired by the original light novel artwork than by the anime.

    … and now that I have been inspired to skim some manga covers, seems to be more inspired by the original light novel art than by the manga as well, despite how much Erica may love the artwork in the manga.

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