Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – November 23, 2013

November 23rd, 2013


Things to Read

A webcomic about gay and lesbian robots? Sounds good to me! O Human Star has appealing art, and characters that might as well not actually be non-human, they are so human.

Memoria writes in to let you all know that she has a webcomic called Diexemor that, as she states in the Intro, “this story has lesbians…so don’t read if you hate them.” ^_^

YNN Correspondent David M. notes that the Fantagraphics Spring Season Kickstarter added Wandering Son, Volume 7 as a reward at the $40 level. There are still some of these left.


Things to Watch

The first 8 minutes of Ghost in the Shell: Arise, Second Border is streaming on YouTube with English subtitles. Just enable the Closed Captions by clicking the CC button.

If you missed the first two waves of anime in the 80s and 90s, you may never have had a chance to see the original Bubblegum Crisis and Bubblegum Crash series. It’s old school and there is at least one arc that is very Yuri. Because it’s also way out of print, there is a Kickstarter to remaster and reprint the Bubblegum Crisis (thanks to Shannon L. for noting that only Crisis – which, admittedly is the better of the two – is being re-issued.). If you’ve come to anime after the year 2000, you might really want to consider getting in on this.


Things to Think About

It has been noted by several people that the January issue of Comic Yuri Hime has a “Hrm”-making cover. The creator of Kannagi, Takanashi Eri, drew this K-ON! lookalike cover. I’m hoping this is not a new trend.

David M. also points out this item of note: A blog post about girls in anime with Tactical skills.

Comicosity has an interesting Interview with writer and artist J.H. Williams, on Batwoman and LGBT visibility in comics.


Things to Enjoy

YNN Correspondent Sean G. sent me this link of bad-ass Sukeban Deka Covers.

I am seriously needing these earphone jack Sailor Moon henshin wands.A nd I’m just going to say this out loud – I really do not think we’ll be getting the Outers in this reboot. Not one single new item has included them.


That’s a wrap for this week! Become a Yuri Network Correspondent by sending me any Yuri-related news you find. Emails go to anilesbocon01 at hotmail dot com. Not to the comments here, please, or they might be forgotten or missed. There’s a reason for this madness. This way I know you are a real human, not Anonymous (which I do not encourage – stand by your words with your name!) and I can send you a YNN correspondent’s badge. Thanks to all of you – you make this a great Yuri Network!

11 Responses

  1. liz says:

    Those Sukeban Deka covers are amazing!

  2. Eric P. says:

    The announcement of the ‘Bubblegum Crisis’ Blu-ray is rather timely, since as of this post people only have over a day to pledge. And while it may include the ‘AD Police’ series, it definitely may not include the ‘Crash’ series (I don’t see the point of that). Only those that have pledged will get their copies as soon as August, while everybody else probably won’t get their copies until early 2015, and it won’t be the special Ultimate Edition. Just so everyone knows!

  3. O Human Star is pretty great and not only do they have gay/lesbian robots (and people) but one of the robots is transgender as well (which is an odd idea for a robot but the story gives a good reason/explanation). And as a newcomer to Sailor Moon I’d be pretty crushed if we didn’t get to the outers in the new anime (come on guys, more money to be made off of merchandise, y’all want that right?)

    • Jamie says:

      Yesh, O Human Star is really fantastic, and the art and use of color is pretty great.

      Should I feel bad that I kinda really like that K-on! clone cover? I mean, not for the K-on! cloning, but the pic itself. >.>

  4. Juri says:

    Actually, your comment about no Outers in the new reboot might not be true. Earlier this month, according to sailormooncollectibles.com, there are new keychains to be released next spring, with Uranus and Neptune among them.

  5. Juri says:

    As would I! Love me some Ura-Nep love

    here’s another:

    only question I have is, will the outers ever get a domestic release plush from Great Eastern? They have Moon and her team, along with Chibimon and Tuxedo, but no outers yet!

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