Cream Lemon Escalation Figurine Set

November 21st, 2014

The other day, when I reviewed the Takahashi Makoto Artbook, Akogare,  I called it an OMG and I promised I’d tell you the most WTF thing I found in Mandarake this time.

Well…this has got to be the most OMGWTFBBQ thing I found on this trip:


It’s a Cream Lemon Figurine Set that includes two Cream Lemon Escalation figurines: Rie and Naomi-oneesama in full BDSM gear. I didn’t know my eyebrows could go that high onto my forehead. ^_^ Of course I nabbed it right away!

I managed one more OMG thing from Mandarake, but that’ll wait until another review. ^_^

4 Responses

  1. Shannon says:


  2. It was more OMGWTFHolycrap is that…?! than LOL, but I scooped this baby up so fast….

  3. Jackie S says:


    That EXISTS? OMGWTFBBQ sounds about right. I am definitely visiting that store next time I’m in Tokyo, lol.

    • Nakano Sun Mall. I found this is the cramped “stuff” store right across the hall from the first real manga shop, the big one with all the super cheapo manga in the front outside.

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