Archive for the Contests Category

Ebisu-san to Hotei-san Contest Winners!

September 21st, 2010

We have our winners of the terrible pun story contest! All three winners will get a copy of Ebisu-san to Hotei-san, courtesy of sponsor AudioErotica.

Third Place – Susie A. for making me laugh and my wife roll her eyes with:

Lady in Red meets Material Girl, they make sweet music together.

Second Place is anime lady with this painful love story:

A vampress meets a zombie maiden, the vampress says she is the ghoul of her dreams, and then they go out for a bite to eat.

For combining Yuri, food, and a really ouchy series of puns, our First Place winner is Frea! Her story left me feeling hungry for more:

Two women, Fukujin Zuki and Ume Boshi, meet at an office party over a bowl of rice, and at first everything is great as they hungrily explore each other, but all too soon things sour as Fukujin leaves Ume for some guy (Kare) who she claims is a spicier lover although ultimately he treats Fukujin as just a dishy side.

Winners, please email me at anilesbocon01 at hotmail dot com, Subject Line: Shrimp Mayo,  with your mailing addresses and I’ll get your copies of the book out to you asap!

Once again, sincere thanks to AudioErotica for sponsoring this contest – your generosity is very greatly appreciated!

"Read Yuri Manga in Public" Day Contest Winners!

September 6th, 2010

I’ve been gently reminded that I promised to announce the “Read Yuri Manga in Public” contest winners today. Since it’s a holiday here in the US, I thought that would make a terrific post to celebrate everyone who took time out of their day to send in pictures of them reading Yuri Manga in Public!

From Twitter we have Katherine H reading Hayate x Blade at a cafe.

Me reading Hayate x Blade Volume 6

From the Yuricon and ALC group on Facebook, we have Alison G who took her copy of WORKS out for a spin.

Reading Eriko Tadeno's Works

Both of these lovely ladies will be receiving “I Love Yuri T-shirts” for their efforts!

And from the Yuricon Mailing List, comes Grand Prize Winner Mara Papimer, who will be receiving a Amazon Gift Certificate! He chose to air his collection of Yuri – all at once. ^_^ Now that’s my kind of reader!

Thanks to everyone once again. I have to say, that that was such a tremendous amount of fun, I will definitely be doing it again next year (assuming I remember to!)

Happy Labor Day Holiday to everyone of you who have worked hard to support Yuri in every way!

Kuchibiru ni Saketa Orange Contest Results!

August 15th, 2010

First of all, I want to thank everyone for the really fun little stories you sent in for the Kuchibiru ni Saketa Orange contest. You exceeded my expectations (which were very high, because of course I think you are all creative geniuses. lol)

As I suspected, there were so many good ones, I’m going to give all 9 of you a prize. (This is not nearly as generous as it sounds. I have 9 books sitting here I want to get rid of.)

However, because tradition dictates I give the promised prize to the winner, I declare Angela …B+C=P the winner of the contest! Yay! Whooo!

Please send me you addresses to anilesbocon01 at hotmail dot com with the subject line “Orange Contest” and I will send you…something. You may even like it! ^_^

Kim Koi Limit (Belated) Contest Results

July 1st, 2010

Wow, sorry this got lost in the crazy busy weeks of work crush, but I still owe you all a contest results!

Because everyone was so patient, I’m going to give away two books. I think that’s fair.

First Prize – Kimi no Koi Limit goes to Rachel Best, with her infuriating tale of neglect

Second Prize – Kingyo no Seikatsu, a lovely little doujinshi about life, love and fish, by Circle Prototype goes to Brandon J. for another one of those head-shaking moments of “wtf were you thinking…?”

Rachel, Brandon, please email me at anilesbocon01 at hotmail dot com with your address and your prizes will be sent out shortly! 

Thanks to everyone who picked their scabs for this contest. ;-)

Contest Winner Announcements

April 18th, 2010

This past week, I was running three contests in three different places. Here are the winners of the various contests I was running here, on our Facebook group and on the Yuricon Mailing List!

The winner of the Okazu Tea Party contest is Mara, with his genteel British high tea. Reason for win was picking the blends for each person. That got me all warm and fuzzy. Email me with your address and books shall be yours!

On our Facebook group, Jo proposed a fight between Hayate x Blade’s Kuga Jun and R.O.D. The TV’s Anita King. “Anita wins because Jun gets distracted when paper clothes get blown off her opponent.” That made me snort-lol, so he wins.

And lastly, our Yuricon Mailing List contest, sarcastic_weasel wins with a wish for Hayashiya Shizuru’s art to be animated.

Mara, sarcastic_weasel, if you would kindly email me with your addresses, prizes will go out this week.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our triple contest give-away!