Archive for the Magazines Category

 Comic Yuri Hime December 2022 (コミック百合姫2022年12月号)

December 4th, 2022

And so we come to the end of another year. Comic Yuri Hime, December 2022 is, like so many of the Decembers before it, not a finale at all, but a transition to the the new year. Our cover trip around Japan comes to an end, however. We’ll be getting a completely different look and feel for 2023.

For me, this volume was all about the climax of the Scales of Love arc in “Watashi no Oshi ha Akuyaku Reijou Desu.” It was exactly as epic as I could have hoped. Now the story is going to become a bit more serious, then deadly serious. I can’t wait!

In “Odoriba Skirt ni Naru,” Michiru and Kiki are trying to find the balance they need to be a good dancing pair. Neither really understands what being “like lovers” means, and they both end up unpacking a bit of Michiru’s feelings about being called “kawaii,” until Kiki realizes that she just thinks Michiru is really kawaii and Michiru learns to accept it. They find the place they can be together and head back from dance camp ready to be a pair.

“Lonely Girl ni Sakarenai” comes to end on the right note. Ayaka is finally able to pass the exam, and she and Sora embaak upon a life together. A particularly fantastic note is when they talk to their friends and decide, that even though they may not be together every day, they can still at least stay in touch. We all know that our friendships change with circumstances, but at least they don’t opt for “we’ll never see each other again!” refrain.

Shiho is given an entire chapter to reconcile herself to the (obvious to us) idea that she likes Aki, in “Sasayakoyouni Koi wo Utau,” and now I can safely say, I am done with Shiho. Her love of drama has worn out my interest in her. I’m hoping this month’s issue is back to the battle of the bands.

“Kimi to Shiranai Natsu ni Naru” took a surprisingly realistic turn and I’m a bit on eggshells as to what might happen. Has Hi-chan given up in deciding to go back to school?

A number of series are winding down, “Natsu to Lemon to Overlay” has hit an impasse. If Yunimaru-san won’t ask what is going on, well, then, we’ll never know. In “Futari Escape,” we go to a fossil museum, which was fun.

In “Onna Tomodachi to Kekkonshitemita” Rio has now decided that Kurumi and Ruriko are a more fun family than her parents.

“Kimi to Tsuzuru Utakata” is running out of somewhere to go, as well, but finally has pushed Shizuku out of her self-imposed paralysis, even if it took a shock to do it.

As always there a lot of other stories, some of which I read and others I did not. This was a sold year. I’ll be sad to see some some series go and curious to see if some of the new ones fill their space.


Overall – 8

January 2023 is already out and the new year already has a different tone. We’ll have to see whether it will hit the right notes for me.  ^_^

Comic Yuri Hime November 2022 (コミック百合姫2022年11月号)

October 23rd, 2022

Comic Yuri Hime is not as predictable as the turning of the seasons, but it’s also got some rhythms of it’s own these days. The November issue tends to be rather strong, to keep folks engaged as some series come to an end and others begin. Comic Yuri Hime, November 2022 is a volume in which most of the crises, cliffhangers and pain points resolve before the new arcs begin. With one good exception.

The opening color pages herald a new series this issue….one that I confess I did not finish. “Aishitabun dake Aishite Hoshi~!” has made it plain to me that escort/arranged dating/brothel stories have worn out their welcome on my shelves. There’s nothing new to be done here except have women worry that their bodies aren;t good enough and I will never find that appealing. Dear readers…your body is fantastic and sexy. Imperfections are like accents in speaking, they give us character.

Manaria confronts Rei about her real desires in “Watashi no Oshi ha Akuyaku Reijou.,” as the finale to the Scales of Love Arc approaches. inori’s characters are just so vibrant when rendered by Aonoshimo’s art. I’m actually a little surprised we haven’t had anything visual for this yet…not so much as a promo video. After claiming that most Jousei and Yuri are written and drawn in a way that makes them better as live-action, this series would, actually, make a terrific anime. ^_^

Shiho is finally having to face down some of her many piled up issues in “Sasayakuyouni Koi wo Utau.” Kind of unsurprisingly, it all comes down to love and jealousy. I mean, they are in high school, after all. ^_^ Not to be uncharitable, but I will not mind when we move past Shiho to the battle of the bands.

Shizuku seems to finally have movde past her trauma and is reaching into herself to make Kaori happy in “Kimi to Tsuzuru Utakata.” It looks like Kaori’s plan is working. Then what?

Here’s the one exception to “handwave the crisis over” motif that fills his volume.  The boot is poised. Kanako feels lost and searches for help with the wrongest person. Youko convinces Kanako to the do the wrongest thing and as the chapter ends, we see the boot, slipping from fingers, headed towards the ground. I have a very clear idea about what I need from “Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto Desu!” now, but I wonder if I’m going to get it. I’m just gonna have to trust Miman-sensei. ^_^

We already know that “Natsu to Lemon to Overlay” will be ending shortly. This issue I had to agree with that choice. The premise is so interesting! A voice actor hired by a woman to read her final statement after her death. We’re chapters into this and we know nothing about anything. Konno is just throwing money at Yunimaru and they have fun doing typical manga versions of happy daily life stuff. Where did the plot go?  Yunimaru won’t ask, Konno isn’t saying. I love fireworks, but what is this manga about?

“Onna Tomodachi to Kekkonshitemita” resolves the latest crisis rather neatly. Rio is back and Kurumi’s friendly nature makes her an ally.

Another crisis averted in “Lonely Girl ni Sakaeranai” and then precipitating crisis averted! Oh phew. This series has legitimately been over for a couple of volumes, but I really am okay with this. ^_^ Oh but, finally, the whole gang admits what has been obvious to us (but not to all of them) that the 6 of them is really three couples.

The volume ends with a number of new series, columns and comic essays as always. I’m reading and enjoying about half of the content, which make this year a pretty solid showing for Comic Yuri Hime.


Overall – 8

The December issue is out in Japan. Don’t forget to let Comic Yuri Hime know which series you like best and least!


Galette No. 22 (ガレット No.22)

September 30th, 2022

Galette No. 22 (ガレット No.22) begins with another strong cover illustration by pen. This is followed by a comic report by Morita Miyuki of the Galette 5th anniversary event!

Like other recent issues, this is split into two section – short continuing and one-shot stories and the continuation of Hakamada Mera’s Aikata System, presumably because Dgenzaka Shobor has pivoted away from Yuri towards only BL. A loss, I think, because they had some quirky titles. I did review Volume 1 and Volume 2 of Aikata System ~ Gakuen ga Eranda Unmei no Onna no ko~, but not the story has move past the chapters I previously read.  Let me spend a second on this second half of the book for a second, because while the premise of this story seems very much an easy Yuri premise – that is, when a student gets accepted into this school, they are assigned an “aikata” a partner, perhaps lover. But by now in the story, we can see that the system is quite broken and can easily be toxic. Two first years are watching their aikata hurt and be hurt by their former partners. Kairo is ready to see the system burnt to the ground. The reason I am taking time to mention this  is because I would love to a see a story that destroyed the hoary old, unhealthy tradition that binds the characters.

Morinaga Milk’s “Watashi no Kawaii Neko-chan” has fall into a rut. I don’t really understand why the two characters can’t just have a conversation, but both of them feel that the other doesn’t love them any more, for various reasons. Once again, I am reminded that Morinaga-sensei’s strength in narrative is just before a couple gets together. I don’t know where this can go and, at the moment, it feels like it’s going nowhere.

Of the remaining shorts and chapters, I really liked the very first one-shot “Natsukashii Mirai no Kimi e” by Asube Yui. It’s a great little fiction about memory and love and loss. Really solid. A sad, but lovely story.


Overall – 8

Issue No. 23 is out with the return of “Liberty,” another story I’m not sure where it’s going, but I;m here for the ride. If you buy it from Booth or Melonbooks, it comes with a clearfile by Moringaa Milk!

Comic Yuri Hime, October 2022 (コミック百合姫2022年10月号)

September 26th, 2022

Comic Yuri Hime, October 2022 (コミック百合姫2022年10月号) was a pretty darn good issue!

The cover continues the colorful travel theme with photos, (one blurry one clear, which was a lovely touch) of a beach scene. The water is genuinely outstanding. I love that this looks like it was painted using brush strokes that are visible, even as it is obviously done digitally. Isshiki’s work has been a lot of fun, visually.

“Kimi to Tsuzuru Utakata” starts to move forward. Kaori’s illness has paralyzed Shizuru once again, but finally she’s shaken out of her own PTSD, when confronted by Kaori’s little sister who resents Shizuru and the upcoming loss of Kaori deeply. Even as this series comes towards a close in Japanese, you will be able to read it in English, next month as The Summer You Were There, from Seven Seas.

The Scales of Love Arc has begun and Manaria seems dead set on taking Claire away from Rei. As a commoner and Claire’s maid, Rei has no way to fight back and is, apparently throwing herself recklessly into the monster hunt before the festival. Things are tense in “Watashi no Oshi ha Akuyaku Reijou.,” written by Inori and illustrated by Aonoshimo. So, so good.

Keyyang’s “Kimi to Shiranai Natsu ni Naru” has gotten a bit more serious. Faced with the near impossibility of getting a job without a degree, Hi-chan is thinking of taking a major step and going back to school. What will this do to their idyllic life?

“Onna Tomodachi to Kekkon Shitemita,” by Usui Shio is also taking a turn for the serious. Now that Kurumi and Ruriko are settled in, an old acquaintance has turned up and is causing chaos for the pair when she goes missing!

The last pieces are put into place in Shiho’s back story, in “Sasayakuyouni Koi wo Utau” as Himari learns that Shiho has been competing with – and singing for – a dead girl, for years. This was a very moving chapter. Shiho’s still a jerk, but I’m now inclined to be a little bit forgiving, because she’s 15, ffs.

Boots drop all over the place in Miman’s “Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto Desu!” Sumika and Nene have a long, long, long overdue talk about important stuff that needed to get said. As the chapter ends, we can see the dark cloud of confrontation around the corner approaching. Story aside…as the adult in the room, how does Mai not see any of this going on?

I’m starting to wonder if “Natsu to Lemon to Overlay” has a plot. Like Yunimaru, I cannot see the end game at all, for Konno’s playing around and having fun before, presumably, dying, maybe, but we can’t tell?

“Odoriba Skirt ni Naru” hit me really hard for randomreasons this chapter. We’ve dealt with Kiki’s body image issues, and this time we deal with Michiru’s strong objections to being seen as cute. CW for an attempted assault on a child. 

“Lonely girl ni Sakarenai” starts with a happy, cheerful school trip and everyone ganging up to figure out how to support the other couple in the group, but ends in crisis.

A few new one-shots and features, comic essays and the usual columns made for a really chunky 500 pages of Yuri manga and a very good issue. ^_^


Overall – 8

The November issue has hit shelves in Japan and I’m waiting impatiently for it to arrive at my Kinokuniya.^_^

Comic Yuri Hime, September 2022 (コミック百合姫2022年9月号)

September 2nd, 2022

Comic Yuri Hime, September 2022 (コミック百合姫2022年9月号) offers some dramatic Yuri as the seasons turn.

In “Kimi to Shiranai Natsu ni Naru” by Kiiyang, our protagonists suddenly are confronted with the fact that summer doesn’t last and neither do summer jobs. What will they do for money during the off-season?

In “Watashi no Oshi ha Akuyaku Reijou.,” Rae is confronted by the fact that, even with her power levels and skills, she’s no match for Manaria. Will she lose Claire to her rival?

The SS Girls get together for a strategy session, (but it’s more like therapy, amirite?) in “Sasayakuyouni Koi wo Utau.”

In “Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto Desu!” Nene has had it with the straight-girl combo of Sumika and Kanako. And, frankly everyone has had it with Kanako…except Hime who is increasingly worried about her friend. The boot is about to drop, and damn is it gonna be an ugly one.

Sora and Ayaka spend a last high school summer festival together in “Lonely Girl ni Sakaraenai” and it dawns on us that this story is over and we’re just lingering….which is fine by me, because I don’t want to say goodbye, either.

“Hibiku Koe” by FLOWERCHILD is a meet-weird about two coworkers, one who is masked all the time, and their encounter that takes them to bed together.

A traditional crisis has appeared in the form of a friend with a previous, tenuous, and grasping claim on Ruriko’s affection in “Onna Tomodachi to Kekkonshitmita.”

In “Natsu to Lemon to Overlay” our aspiring voice actress and the woman who has hired her to read her final wishes go on a date…and it is as confusing to Yunimaru as it sounds to us.

Inui Ayu’s “Kyou mo Hitotsu Yane no Shita” wraps up the final chapter and what will be a second volume, as Inui-sensei and Kon-san go to buy matching rings. Congrats to them; my tears are not because I cry at weddings, but because I will miss these fun little snippets of lesbian life. ^_^

As usual, there are many other stories I have read in this volume. It’s a very solid volume with something for folks who like the cute, the sweet, the strange and the adult!


Overall – 8

I have the October 2022 issue right here and am cracking it open tonight! Can’t wait to see what happens in several of these stories. ^_^