Archive for the Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl Category

Yuri Anime: Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl

April 6th, 2006

Let’s start from the beginning, shall we? I wanted to end the previous season before I took a look at the new season of yuri anime and I thought that Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl was a good place to start as it was a remarkable ending.

The Kashimashi anime moved in a totally different direction than the manga has taken. I can’t say that it was a bad thing. Without giving away any of what’s going on in the manga (I’ll wait for Volume 3 to come out for that) I can say that the anime had only one seriously weak plot complication, where the manga has that and at least one more and the chance that it may develop into two more.

More importantly, the anime ended. I mean – it *resolved*. Decisions were made, choices were finalized – it ended. For real.

No, really. I mean it.

Hazumu remains a girl and chooses one of the two girls who loves her. It was so…normal.

Think of all the dumb things that could have happened: Hazumu turning back into a boy was the one I was waiting for. But she didn’t. How weird is that?

In fact, then ending was so normal – so much like a thing that might have actually happened in real life (with the one exception of the silly plot complication, if you’ve seen it, you know what I mean) that it kind of just went under the radar. No outcry of “OMG! An anime actually ENDED! With a RESOLUTION!”

Instead there was a huge silence. So – after all these years of watching crappy unresolved restart endings we FINALLY get a real ending and it’s a yuri ending where the girl remains a girl and get the girl and…thud. Nothing.

Go out and watch the damn ending already! ^_^ We can call it Kashimashi Girl Gets Girl.


Art – 7
Characters – 7
Story – 7
Music – 7
Yuri – 8
Service – 5

Overall – 7

Hazumu doesn’t turn back into a boy and still get the girls. ^_^

Yuri Anime: Winter 2006 – Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl

January 26th, 2006

Let’s start from the beginning, shall we? Kasimashi Girl Meets Girl is about a boy named Hazumu. He’s, shall we say, a “sensitive” kind of guy, who loves gardening. He’s also in love with beautiful, but distant Yasuna. He confesses his feeling to Yasuna, is rejected and goes off for a walk into the hills to burn off his misery. As he stands on the mountain trying to let go, he is hit by a crashing alien ship and killed. BUT! The aliens feel bad, so they revive him – except inexplicably, they can only bring him back as a girl.

The aliens helpfully broadcast the announcement over the entire earth, so Hazumu is instantly the source of interest to press. But his friends and family seem to be mostly okay with the whole thing. His mother even helpfully mentions that she’d always wanted a girl, yay for her!

There is a period of adjustment: For Hazumu, as he has to learn not to show his underwear in a hundred and fifty different ways; For his friend Asuta who is much less interested in Hazumu’s well-being as he is in staring at Hazumu’s boobs; And mostly for Hazumu’s best friend Tomari, who seems to be the ONLY person freaked out about the whole thing. It’s not until Hazumu has a meltdown and she has to protect him (as she has their whole lives) that she really gets that this is still the same Hazumu she’s always cared for.

Hazumu’s opinion of the whole thing? Well, I guess this is just the way it is, so…

Can I express a small measure of doubt that too many people would be that blase’ as a result of an sudden, unwanted gender switch? Oh, but, it’s okay – Hazumu has always been kind of girly, so it’s no big deal. Uh-huh.

The anime is pretty much following the manga, with a little softening of the slightly more annoying perviness – no scene in which Hazumu’s mother has bought her clothes but no underwear. We do get a bra-shopping scene, but it wasn’t *quite* as annoying as in the manga.

Since the story is the same as the manga, let’s talk voices. I think they are pretty good, actually. Kana Ueda’s “boy voice” for Hazumu sounds like Yumi from Maria-sama ga Miteru, and her “girl voice” is moderately girlier, more Mikan from Gakuen Alice. Not unpleasant – and different enough to account for Tomari’s discombobulation. I was desperately afraid that Horie Yui as Yasuna was going to be dog-whistle high, but she isn’t. (Iwao Junko could do that for Tomoyo and get away with it….anyone else fails.) Nor is Tamura Yukari’s Tomari annoyingly boyish. I was especially pleased with Ayuki’s voice as done by Asano Mayumi – which sounded exactly like it did in my head. lol

The animation looks like the manga animated, so nothing remarkable there. In fact, there’s nothing remarkable about Kasimashi Girl Meets Girl except that is quite pleasant. The love triangle will heat up shortly and then we’ll get all sorts of Yuri-ness.

Art – 7
Story – 7
Music – 6
Characters – 7
Yuri – 8
Service – 7

Overall – 7

To sum up, the good things about the story are still good, the bad things are marginally less bad, and the only thing we need to wait and see is where the story actually goes.

Yuri Manga: Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl, Volume 2

December 21st, 2005

You’ll excuse me for being confused by what is really a simple storyline. When I first discovered Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl, I started at the end, then read the beginning and totally missed all the middle bits. Now I’m caught up and it all makes more sense.

Hazumu was a girly boy until an accident in which a alien space ship crashed into him ended up with him turning into a girly girl. Then the girl he liked fell in love with her, and the girl he didn’t know he liked, and who didn’t realize she liked him, realizes that she loves her.

So we have your basic love triangle in which both girls – ultra-femme Yasuna and boyish Tomari – vie for the attention and affection of now-female Hazumu. Really, quite simple.

Volume 2 of the manga establishes the backstory between Hazumu and Tomari, which I was totally missing. Now I can declare Tomari’s interest legit, where before I thought it a mere annoying plot complication.

The rest of the volume is taken up with the three of them having very romantic days during summer vacation, at the beach, at the usual summer festival, etc., while Tomari and Yasuna develop a kind of détente. A date between Yasuna and Hazumu gets a little intense, as they spend a day alone and Yasuna marks her territory again with a kiss, but Hazumu responds by running off to reaffirm her need for Tomari, too.

Will anything be resolved between them? *Can* anything be resolved between them? To be honest I doubt it. But no one is really unlikeable here, so we’ll just watch them revolve around one another in an unending gavotte until the center ceases to hold and things fall apart.


Art – 8
Character – 8
Story – 7
Yuri – 8
Service – 5

The story is not going to get better I fear (for good reason – the most recent chapter in Dengeki Daioh was mind-numbingly trite) but I’ll tag along until it gets unbearable or Hazumu turns back into a guy, whichever comes first.

Yuri Manga: Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl, Volume 1

May 9th, 2005

Back in March, I reviewed a random set of chapters of this manga. Well, I’ve backtracked and bought the first volume of the manga to fill in my missing knowledge. I’m not 100% sure I know what’s going on, even after having read it all. ^_^

Okay, so the first volume begins with a picture of Hazumu being kissed by Yasuna in the classroom, as Tomari walks in on them.

The story immediately backtracks to some weeks previously. Hazumu is your basic “nice guy” type boy. We, the audience, never see his face, but when he manages the usual full-body fall onto classmate Yasuna, she comments with a giggle that his face looks like a girl’s. He smiles and says he’s always looked a little girly. Shortly thereafter, he confesses his like to Yasuna, who responds by bursting into tears and running away, saying that she’s sorry.

Depressed, Hazumu wanders off on his own into the mountains.

Where he is taken up by an alien ship and transformed into a girl.

Seriously, after reading this bit three times, I’m still no clearer on the motivation here, except to say that, it’s a “hand wave” that we must accept.

Since the alien ship approaching was very public, everyone in the world hears the alien’s broadcast, and everyone knows that Hazumu has become a girl. For the first several chapters of the volume, the media are parked outside Hazumu’s house.

Back at home after waking up as a girl, Hazumu seems remarkably complacent about his change. His mother admits to always wanting a daughter, and his father becomes a tiresome pervert who is supposed to be funny. Reading Dad’s “funny” attempts to sexually molest his “daughter” has led me to decide that I will start to carry around a rolled-up newspaper to hit boys who think that kind of thing is funny over the nose until they are better trained.

The next few chapters are taken up with crucial stories like Hazumu’s first bra and which bathroom to use. Bizarrely, we are supposed to believe that Mom, while out buying fourteen million dresses, has somehow managed to forget to buy underwear for her newly-forged daughter. Only a man would write that, I swear.

Hazumu’s best friend Tomari protects her from the media, just as she protected Hazumu the boy from bullies when they were young. It is *this* that makes Tomari realize that she is in love with or, at least, is beginning to fall in love with, Hazumu.

In the meantime, Yasuna admits that she likes Hazumu – who is confused at the news because, as a girl, she feels obliged to not fall in love with other girls…although she’s kind of unclear how to do that. Tomari starts to realize that Hazumu still has feelings for Yasuna, just as she realizes that she herself has feelings for Hazumu.

Hazumu couldn’t get one girl as a boy, but as a girl, has two. What’s the irony level there? Snort.

Yasuna also admits that, ever since she was a child, she has a hard time *seeing* the faces of males, although Hazumu’s was beginning to become clearer to her over time, and she was, genuinely developing feelings for him. But now that Hazumu is a girl – she can see her clearly and is very in love with her!

Yasuna comes to the classroom where Hazumu waits for Tomari and kisses her, just as Tomari walks in, thus bringing us full circle in a story so full of hand waves and plot holes that, if it weren’t kind of sweet and cute and harmless, it would really, really suck. ^_^

But it does not suck. It’s just sort of silly and stupid and yeah. ;-)


Art – 8
Characters – 7
Story – 5
Yuri- 9

Overall – 7

Anyway, I guess I’ll *have* to get the next volume and see what happens, huh?

Yuri Manga: Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl, Volume 1

March 31st, 2005

Since we’re on the topic of Dengeki, let’s talk Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl. Again, adorable, not-quite-girl yuri that’s a lot of fun to read.

Hazumu is a guy. Through a freak accident, in which he is killed by an alien spaceship, he is restored to life as a girl.

Hazumu is an endearing character…in fact she endears herself repeatedly to Tomari and Yasuna, two female classmates who are undeniably in love with Hazumu.

Tomari is a blonde, and tends towards the ever-so-slightly butch, while Yasuna, a brunette, is a total femme. The two have a friendly rivalry about Hazumu which, because of their completely different personalities, hasn’t really erupted in any kind of conflict.

Hazumu is also desired by a male classmate Asuta who has, typical of men in these kinds of manga, no balls. He simply fantasizes from a close distance and tries to convince himself he doesn’t care. He’s your basic nosebleed boy. Bwahahaha! Gosh, we just can’t ever get enough of that joke…ha.

There’s a host of other regulars including Ayuki, a very introspective and attractive schoomate who I like on account of her not being any kind of comedic relief and “Sora”-sensei, a guy who is an alien (his name is spelled with the kanji for “alien”) who is watching over Hazumu.

To be frank, I have read only two chapters of this series, and despite my initial reservations, it is kinda sweet and cute, in an unhurried and pleasant way. I expect no resolution of the love triangle, but one can hope. I’ll probably go back and get the early volumes to see what I missed – eventually.

On the down side, Hazumu’s reactions swing from completely human to, “Gee, these girls are strange, I don’t understand why they wish to do this thing.” It jars a bit – but it serves to remind us that Hazumu is not quite, a girl.

The art is typical of the genre and…hoorah!…there is little sign of fetishization. The girls are teens, but at least they vaguely look like the manga-standard approximation of the high school age. I weep with gladness.

Art – 6
Characters – 7
Story – 7
Yuri – 9

Overall – 7

Low rating for such a totally Yuri story? Let me see a real kiss and it’ll go up. ^_^

11/30/06 note: See later reviews for what I thought after I read the whole thing and saw a kiss or two.