Archive for the Nanoha Category

Yuri News this Week – March 7, 2009

March 7th, 2009

Really short news report this week, because I’ve been miserable sick all week.

Yuri Manga

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is getting a 4th series, this time in manga. the previous Nanoha manga series were short, almost in between the spaces of the anime series. (I just finished reading the StrikerS manga last week, as it happens.) This new series will kick off in new magazine Nyantype from Kadokawa, the title of which does not fill me with hope. *However,* we are told that in this series Nanoha will be 25, which IMHO makes her fully cooked, at last. Phew.

Fans will be pleased that Vivio is getting her own series, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid, in Kadokawa’s Comp Ace magazine.

Yuri Monogatari 6, the newest 100% Yuri anthology from ALC Publishing has been sent off to the printers. There’s still time to pre-order! Get great new Yuri from Rica Takashima, Circle UKOZ, Eriko Tadeno and many more. It’s a terrific book, I’m very pleased. :-)


Yuri Anime

In what has to be the weirdest choice ever, Shimura Takako’s Aoi Hana (Sweet Blue Flowers) will be getting an anime. Don’t get me wrong – I think it’s a wonderful, terrific choice. But an odd one, if you think about it for a second. :-) In any case, we’ll all be getting to see our babydyke hero Fumi power her way through other people’s issues, with her vulnerable, sweet, core of steel personality. A great role model for young Japanese girls who will never see this, because I’m sure it’ll be on at 2AM lol.

Speaking of school series in which nothing happens, the third season set of Maria Watches Over Us has begun shipping. I’ve already watched one disk. lol And my Yellow Rose swings from the corner of my now overloaded phone. It’s not *quite* the same as headbands and postcards and panda cloths, and more postcards and marble-patterned photo albums and all the other good crap we got from the Collector’s sets, but it’s a thing. I’m happy. :-)


On Saturday, March 14 at 2PM, and Monday, March 16 at 7PM, please join me at the Morris County Free Library for lectures on their absolutely stellar Graphic Novels collections – which include a nice amount of both Yuri and Yaoi, so do please come down and show your support for the library and for GNs!


Like I said, short report this week. But quality totally makes up for quantity, this time. :-)

Yuri Anime: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Season 1 Box Set (English)

January 25th, 2009

I’m just as likely to retcon my opinions as the next person. Only, I tend to go the opposite way from most. Instead of remembering the first thing as the best ever, never to be repeated or surpassed, I tend to like the newest and latest, and avoid going back to the orginal. When I first watched this series I was not impressed but, as the series went on, as the second and finally third season built up the characters and the situations, I began to like it more. By the time I finshed watching StrikerS, it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. So, it was with some trepidation that I stepped back more than four years to watch the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha season box set. Would I hate it? Like it? Well….

The story begins with typical 3rd-grader Takamachi Nanoha who finds herself embroiled in the typical magical girl setup of a magical creature who gives her both the power and imprimatur to collect a number of magical items. If left unchecked, these items will inhabit various organic beings and inorganic objects and cause havoc. Also quite typically, she is opposed in this task by an equally magical rival of the same age, in this case, the “girl with the gentle eyes,” Fate Testarossa.

Nanoha becomes more interested in hearing Fate’s story and trying to work with her than anything else – and Fate’s story, when we learn it, is orders of trauma above the typical magical girl series. Her mother, insane from the loss of a child, is driven by a hopeless obsession. Precia’s emotional and physical torture of Fate is extremely distressing, making us root for Nanoha to break through the wall that separates her and Fate just that much harder.

Of course, Nanoha does break through that wall, saving both the world as we know it, and Fate herself, by beating Fate down. Thus she sets up the precident of herself as the “White Devil,” and the also-typical “Dragonball Phenomenon” wherein all former enemies, once defeated, become allies. It’s all so comforting. ^_^ (This is a good point to note that the “White Devil”s particular form of “befriending” shows up right in the middle of the opening song, when the lyrics say something like “I will touch you with a love so soft,” as Nanoha is bring Raging Heart down on Fate’s head hard enough to crack her skull open. ^_^)

There are two things of note that set this series apart from the usual and typical. One is, of course, the intense interest Nanoha shows in Fate and the (obvious to Yuri fans) feelings Fate has for Nanoha. And I am still convinced that Suzuka and Arisa are also a couple, for no particular reason except that I’m a Yuri fan too. ^_^

The second is the sudden appearance of a completely different anime in the middle of the story. The Time Space Administration Bureau’s appearance and absorption of the story takes it to a completely different place and plot – and sets up the tale for the next two series. There is no doubt in my mind that Nanoha was originally conceived of as a seinen version of the popular mahou shoujo series Card Captor Sakura. The wife, who had never seen any of this series, walked in on an early episode and immediately commented on the similarities. Watching this series now, knowing what I know, I found this to be a welcome mid-stream change for the anime. I was actually *happy* when the staff of the Asura join the fight and shift the setting.

In a nutshell, because of my particular form of retconning, I enjoyed this series much more this time, than I did the first time around. ^_^ (If you read Okazu regularly, this won’t surprise you too much. I’ve done it before…I’m sure I’ll do it again.)

There were a number of technical problems, however. Some were clearly because Funimation rescued this title from the Geneon pit. Others were original. The art, for instance. The art was inconsistent and in many places, plain old *bad.* Bad enough that I had a hard time looking at the screen. There were about 5 different groups working on this series, with styles that were so different that they really clashed. The “carnival head” group got the uber-moe scenes. The group that put in too much detail and made everyone move so much that they all looked like they had Parkinson’s disease, got all the “unnecessary service” scenes. I was glad when we switched away from either of those two groups, back to the three or so groups that kept the animation to boring standards of “you audience – hey you out there – you do the work.” ^_^

The translation started off pretty consistent and, to my joy, used “Raging Heart” for Nanoha’s device. Midway it switches to “Raising Heart.” (The editing/adapting went out the door about a third of the way through the series, as well. That, I assume, was the Geneon/Funimation switchover.

And there were some technical issues with the subtitles, like lines through the words. And surprisingly, the timing was *bad*. I never notice that kind of thing, really. If I noticed it – it was really, really bad.

Extras can be counted on one finger – double-sided covers for the DVD cases. Credits and adverts just don’t count as “extras” to me.

The only other thing I had an issue with was that I am still not happy with the nudity. I never will be. If there was version of this anime the had none, I’d be that much more pleased with it. It’s just not needed and the people it serves are not me. Thankfully, by about halfway through the series, that too is cast off for the new, shiny, magical dimension kick-ass fighting story.

Despite the problems, I was really enjoyed rewatching this series. It made me want to watch A’s right away, which I did, and I’m about to start on a marathon of StrikerS today. Nanoha is a series that bears watching, sticking with and repeating. I’m not sure I could use this series to turn a non-fan into a fan, but if you already like magical girl stories, it’s probably a shoo-in for something you’ll grow to like.


Art – At best 6 at worst 3
Story – Starts at 5 and ends up at 8
Characters – 8
Yuri – 3
Sevice – 8

Overall – 7

Paeans of praise and thanks to the sponsor of today’s feast, newly awarded Okazu Superhero Brent A! Brent – email me to get your new badge – with thanks for all the support you’ve shown for Okazu over the years!

Yuri News this Week – November 8, 2008

November 8th, 2008

Yuri Anime

Forgot to mention this previously, but the Lyrical Nahoha A’s season boxset pre-order is available for an early 2009 release.

A new ero-fan book has been annouced for the series Ikkitousen. LFs of both genders can marvel at the fact that the female characters of Ikkitousen have genitalia and secondary sexual characteristics, creatively (not realistically) rendered by people who have never actually seen a woman naked. Go fans.


Live Action

Osama Tezuka’s MW is being made into a live-action movie. It’s clear from the trailer that the creepy remains intact, but whether the relationship between the two male leads will be kept is yet to be revealed (based on the movie description, they’ve taken out the fact that the priest and the kid are lovers.) The chances of getting even a cameo for the one stable, normal, and completely emotionally healthy character in the book – the lesbian newspaper editor – is unlikely, but we can hope. Because her insertion in the story as everything is going to hell was not at all capricious, and sends a powerful message.


Snatches of Yuri

In the interest of mentioning novels none of us will ever read, Kanjou Kyouiku seems to be more of the same high school love stuff, taking place in a slightly fantasy school setting. In fact, the synopsis made it sound just like the movie Teresa and Isabel (which, if you have not watched, you should. It’s quite nice.) The love is real, but not “real,” I’m betting.

And speaking of fantasy schools, Youkai Gakuenki is about – you guessed it. Girls at a fantasy school. Looks way too moe for me, but the Yuri blog boys in Japan give it top ratings for Yuri. So…expect service. Looks like you’ll like it if you like the whole animal-eared girl thing.

Sugar ha Otoshigoro – instead of moe animal ears, you’re back in the huge breast fetish world. Although I’m prepared to bet that it’s all still schoolgirls. Oh look at that, it is.


Okay, that’s enough today. I’m schoolgirled out. When I get home tonight, I’ll have the newest issue of Gunjou so I can stop thinking about “pure” and “innocent” (blecch) love during school years and think about horribly broken, violent adults instead. Phew.

Yuri News This Week – October 11, 2008

October 11th, 2008

Not my best week ever, that’s for sure. Yesterday, on my first day not working, I decided to catch up on yard work that had gone undone for 4 months. (Getting a lawn service in around here is like pulling teeth. My backyard is teeny and unruly and not worth their time, apparently.) Just as I finished the first thing I had to do, I landed wrong on my leg and fell with a dislocated knee. Yep. So now, instead of spending this week cleaning up the yard and house and generally setting my life in order, I’m sitting here on the sofa with my leg in a brace. Sigh. But on to better things!

Yuri Anime

Eric P writes in to let you all know that Media Blasters is releasing a Kashimashi ~ Girl Meets Girl box set. I’m glad that they are. It makes sense for short-run anime. The folks at MB tell me that other box sets are not out of the question. No promises or hints, just that it’s not out of the question for other Yuri series.

The Pre-order for the 2nd season of Maria Watches Over Us (originally titled Maria-sama ga Miteru ~ Haru) is now up on the Yuricon Shop! The second season is coming out next month. (Wonder if they’ll give us a fun freebie this time, too?)

ashi reminds us that Lyrical Nanoha Season 1 boxes are slated to come out in November. Keep your eyes open for that – and for news of the new Nanoha movie, the character designs for which have already caused controversy among people with very little else to do. lol


Other Yuri News

Interviews are flying thick and fast these days. Catch a completely different sort of interview with me at Comics Structuralist, where I was asked questions that focused more on the sociological ramifications of Yuri than on the usual “so, how did you get into Yuri?” type things I usually get.


Yuri Events

Once more plugging MangaNEXT where Rica Takashima will be doing an Aozora Art Project that you – yes *you* – can participate in.

Feeling Much Better Through Manga Art

There are times when we are too busy or too shy to say “thank you” or “I’m sorry” to the people who deserve to hear how we really feel. Once the moment is lost, it is usually gone forever. In “Feeling Much Better Through Manga Art,” members of the public get a chance to turn those lost moments and unexpressed sentiments into works of art. Participants write their apologies or appreciations on life-sized dialogue balloons, and then posed for portraits by Aozora Art staff. These pictures are incorporated by Rica Takashima into unique, one-page manga book stories, thus transforming the participant into the protagonist in his or her own visual storyline, and their message into a therapeutic fusion of personal expression and contemporary art. People of all ages can use this opportunity to express a whole range of thoughts and feelings, from the poignant to the profound. So please visit Rica in the Artist Alley and make your own manga story!

Join Rica, Yuri artist Jess B, myself and the usual cast of Yuricon characters in the Artist Alley at MangaNEXT from 10/31 – 11/2 in Somerset, NJ. It’s going to be a blast. :-)

Yuri News This Week – August 2, 2008

August 2nd, 2008

Otakon’s coming up, so there won’t be a report next week, while I spend the weekend doing Otakon things. :-)

Yuri Anime

Eric reports that a movie has been announced for Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha that will be an “parallel history” of Fate and Nanoha’s first meeting. This should appease all the lolicon who felt that the most recent Naonha series, StrikerS, had too many people over the age of ten.

And for Polish and German Yuri fans, Winterbraid sends this piece of good news – El Cazador de la Bruja is out on DVD with dual audio (Japanese or German) and dual subtitle tracks (Polish and German). Winterbraid also reports that the first DVD contains episode 1-5 and two beautiful postcards. So excellent news all around! But, now I’m whining, because I want El Cazador~ waaah~…

And in case you missed it, the Maria-sama ga Miteru Season 1 box sets have shipped. My phone charm is already attached to my phone. :-) I’ll do a review as soon as I have a chance to watch any of the disks.


Yuri Manga

Eagle-eyed Eric also caught the news that Venus Versus Virus is ending this coming issue of Dengeki Daioh As it happens, I read the penultimate chapter – fans will be happy to note that Lucia and Sumire touched and Sumire said that Lucia is “important” to her. That ought to be enough for scores of fanfic. lol


Yuri Events

Did I ever mention that Maiden’s Garden will be held this autumn for the third time? This Yuri doujinshi event was organized by (among others) the main artist for the Pen-Pen Gusa Club doujinshi circle, Katase Minami. It’s in the Kyoto, so if you plan on being around this October 13th, check out the Yuricon Events page for more details. (And don’t forget to email me, so I can have you shop for me! LOL)

Otakon is coming up, as I said. Not only will there be a Yuri Panel on Friday, from 1-2PM, I’m told that Media Blasters is holding a separate panel for discussion of their Yuri and Yaoi lines. Don’t miss it!

And just to remind you – we’ll be having a raffle at the Yuricon table in the Dealer’s Room – Table 611. Spend $25 or more and you’ll be entered for a cool manga-style Catwoman figurine!

The New York Anime Festival is around the corner, and this year I’ll be running a Yuri Panel on Saturday, Sept. 27th, from 8-9PM. Check the NYAF website for details.


Again, a short report. Expect some news from Otakon – I don’t know anything specific, not even a hint, so this isn’t foreshadowing. I just expect that *something* will have to be at least vaguely Yuri-flavored. :-)