Yuri Manga: Houkago, or After School

May 26th, 2004

It’ll be a quick one today…

Houkago is a new serialized manga running in Cookie monthly magazine. It just started this month, so it’s hard to tell if the potential for Yuri has got any staying power. In fact, I’m not even sure it wasn’t a one-shot story. (The monthlies are getting very lax about telling you when/if another chapter will run on some of the series. And many of the mangaka end a chapter with “The End” so you don’t know if it’s the chapter that’s ended, or the series. Drives me nuts.

Anyway, Cookie is the same magazine running Nana which has some serious crushiness bordering on Yuri, but sadly, nothing will actually happen. Nonetheless, a lot of Yuri fans like Nana.

Houkago is a short chapter, about a girl who is being picked on by classmates at school. As the story continues, the teasing predictably gets more vicious. The girl is befriended by the cool class loner and they two of them start spending alot of time together and being happy in each other’s company.

There’s much hand-holding, and an embrace or two, but no declarations of love or kisses in this chapter, so it’s nothing ground-breaking or notable. It’s just another high-school Yuri potential romance. ^_^

I’ll keep you posted if anything good happens in it.

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