Kampfer Manga, Volume 2

April 6th, 2015

Kampfer2At the beginning of the year, I was ambiguously pleased to review Kampfer, Volume 1 on Kindle, the manga of a short-lived and utterly forgettable anime series about a guy who turns into a girl and has to fight for reasons that remain obscure through the series. Now, through the good will of Okazu Hero Day, I am able to assure you that two volumes in to Kampfer, we are no more well-informed about the situation than we were.

In Kampfer, Volume 2,  on Kindle, from Digital Manga Publishing, Natsuru has to get into the girls’ section of the school. In a normal situation this would not be particular difficult, but this school has strict segregation, enforced with high walls, security (and barbed wire fences, probably.) Why? Who knows…add it to the list of “whys?” for this series.

Natsuru has learned that the President of the Student Council is a little smarter than the rest of the Kampfers – in order to force Natsuru over to the girls’ side, she’s kidnapped Sakura. Natsuru plays the hero(ine) and rescues the happless damsel, who was already in love with her girl form and is now completely gaga over her. Sakura asks girl-Natsuru out on a date, causing boy-Natsuru to die a little inside.

For no reason, Natsuru accepts and we are “treated” to girl-Natsuru dress-up dolls. No new plot information is revealed. So, basically, the entire volume had a single chapter’s worth of content.

I am shockingly not filled with despair at the idea of a third volume as, at this point, I want to see how long they can string this along without having to actually do anything with the plot. Much like the Battle Club manga, I expect nothing from Kampfer. Not even so much as an explanation, much less a resolution.  It’s already had the same Yuri we saw in the anime.

At the end of Volume 2 we have exactly the same amount of no idea at all why anything is as we did at the end of Volume 1. On to Volume 3 for more nothing!


Art – 7 Good enough that with all the service, I can’t read it in public
Story – 3 Nothing, with a side of who cares
Characters – 4 Sakura would be cute if she weren’t a doofus
Service – 8
Yuri – 3

Overall – 4

Bets on Volume 3 being any better? I didn’t think so.

Along with Kampfer, there is some actually good Yuri manga available on the Digital Manga page of the new Yuricon Store. Check it out for titles old and new for your Kindle device or app.

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