Yuri Doujinshi Circle: Sakuraike

January 27th, 2005

I’ve been wanting to talk about some of my favorite doujinshi circles for a while and this seemed as good a time as any…

Sakuraike is right up there in my top ten of yuri doujinshi circles. My first introduction to them was throught their “Tact” series, which told the stories of Satsuki and Kana – two typical high school girls who fall in love, are thwarted from getting together…and finally, finally, manage to have sex in the school library. :-) The “Tact” books include a another series about boyish Mako and her best friend who’s name escapes me at the moment. Best friend has to pretty much beat it into Mako’s head that she really is attracted to her, because Mako is convinced that her boyishness is off-putting. Silly Mako.

Nothing Sakuraike does is deep or ground-breaking, but I really like the two different styles that their books always include and the characters, even when they angst, seem to get together (and have sex in the school library…), which always makes it a pleasure to read. :-)

The newest doujinshi by Sakuraike includes a story about a straight girl who is a yuri doujinshi artists, and her very gay, very besotted with her girlfriend partner. It’s a goofy meta-look at the world of a doujinshi artist, with some in-jokes and insanely cute yuri thrown. And the best part is…we’ll have a few copies to sell at Yuricon’s Yuri Revolution event in Tokyo! So if you’re planning on joining us in April, you too can enjoy all this yuri goofiness! If we have any copies left at the end of the event, I’ll bring them home and put them up for sale on the Yuricon Shop manga page and give the rest of you a chance at it. It’s a really fun little doujinshi.

In any case, visit the Sakuraike gallery for a few pictures of Satuski, Kana and all their other characters. Enjoy!

4 Responses

  1. punistation says:

    Congratulations. You’ve just started a brief fad that shall amuse us for far too long.

    “In Marimite Volume #8, chapter 3, Yoshino’s mother takes both Yoshino and Rei out to lunch in downtown Nakajira-ya, and convinces them through motherly guilt into buying sweetbread for their classmates (and have sex in the school library…).”

    Yup, that bracketed goodness can be added to ANY sentence, and instantly make it 400% better. Go ahead, try it out for yourself (and have sex in the school library…). It’s fun! ^_^

    Kisses XXOOXX

  2. Anonymous says:

    Sweetbread? Please tell me that’s a mistaken translation, because honestly, some parts of animals just aren’t meant to be eaten :(

  3. We’ll pray that they mean sweet bread, as opposed to, erm, yeah…

    But hey, the have sex in the school library… part works for me! ;-)

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