Akatsuki-iro no Senpuku Majyo by Hakamada Mera is, according to the obi on the book, a “Magical Youthful Love Yuri Heartful School Story.” I’d call it whimsical, certainly.
Once upon a time, a school for magic existed. Into that school transferred a new student, with the name Akira. To everyone’s surprise, Akira came into the schoolroom wearing a giant armored suit, and was unable to speak. The students were unkind to Akira, but the class president Tokiko rebuked the other students.
One day, a fire broke out in the school, but no one was able to break in to rescuse the student inside the room. Only Akira inside the iron shell stepped up to try. There was a loud bang and Akira’s magic burst past the seal on the door. When the girl inside had been saved, and the smoke cleared, everyone was amazed to see that the iron shell housed a young girl.
Thus begins the Akira’s adventures at the school of magic.
Tokiko and Akira become good friends, and Akira confides that she is looking for her older sister, who her grandmother told her might be at this school. When her grandmother died, Akira was sealed in the iron suit as part of a curse – but her release of magic to save Yoru-sempai had freed her.
Most of this volume is very typical Hakamada hijinks. There’s the usual school stuff, festivals and lunchtime and gym, and in the cracks are some service-y type situations. In fact, this could be Last Uniform all over again, except that it takes place at a co-ed school in a world where magic exists.
Tokiko and Akira look like they might become an item, but by the end of the book, Yoru-sempai has pulled into the lead position of substitute onee-chan, if not the real one. And Mochizuki-sempai likes to snuggle Tokiko because she’s soft and fluffy. The obi tells me the series is Yuri, but by the end of the first volume, we’re mostly working with Yuri goggles on high settings.
Who will turn out to be (or become) Akira’s onee-chan? tune in next time!
Art – 6
Characters – 7
Story – 7
Yuri – 3
Service – 0
Overall – 7
If you like The Last Uniform or any of Hakamada’s other works, you’ll enjoy this manga as well.
Hmm, this is the one Seven Seas was supposed to get but decided to drop it. From the sound of this review, I guess it’s for the best.