Archive for May, 2009

Yuri Manga: Yuri Hime S, Volume 8

May 13th, 2009

It’s been two full years of Yuri Hime S (コミック百合姫S (エス)) now and, as I sit here re-reading this volume, I find that it is definitely showing signs of maturity. Relative maturity, at least. The propensity for the stories to include the most typical forms of service hasn’t gone away. We are still subjected to swarms of girls in uniforms, maid outfits, bloomers (long gone in the real world, but unfortunately lodged firmly in the minds of fanboys) and of course, an obsession with bathing.

Before I continue this review, my wife reminds me to mention that we saw some pictures of Takarazuka girls, though. They were part of a “women’s work in Japan” article. Very interesting.

Let’s talk perky-breasted 2-dimensional girls. Let’s talk Yuri Hime S Volume 8.

The cover is once again graced by two of the characters from “Honey Crush,” a story I wish I liked more than I do. I don’t hate it, but I wish I could love it. I feel like it has potential, but it isn’t allowed to move out of it’s own teeny-tiny frame.

Yoshitomi Akihito hits the pinnacle of his career with yet another story about two girls sweating, wearing bathing suits and eventually kissing in “Natsu no Hajimari.” Fans of his bathing-suit fetish will absolutely enjoy this iteration of it as they have so many of the others.

“Amatsubu Harmonia” tells the somewhat unrealistic, yet touching story of Yuuka, the “other daughter” who is left alone most of the time, and her completely sociopathic attachment to a waif she meets in the rain. The fact that she and the waif end up together is meant to be interpretated as a good thing. :-)

Nina reminisces about how alone she is and about the death of her mother in “Flower Flower.” Shuu once again is a really, really nice gal that Nina edges ever closer to one day being worthy of.

I give in. “Yuru Yuri” is like a 4-koma that’s drawn wrong. Anyway, wacky things happen – mostly in the mind of the Miu-like Kyouko. Take her out of the story and it’s basically about a bunch of girls doing their homework.

Madoka is contemplating suicide in “Honey Crush.” Having been betrayed by her love, her spirit has vacated her body – with the result that she can now see her stalker ghost. But ghost and Kyouko convince Madoka to live on and so she does – only now she can’t see the ghost who loves her anymore.

Uso Kurata skims the line of Yuri and every other possible relationship between females in “Linkage.” (It took me longer to figure out that title than you’d probably expect. lol) Rica Rozenberg is a genius scientist, with a painful past. She is convinced that she can program emotions into her robots and, with the creation of Elder, she has succeeded. But her success causes a crisis and Elder’s system fails. It’s only through the power of love that El is saved. If this ran not in a Yuri magazine, I’d see it more as mother/daughter big/sister/little sister thing, but whatever. It was cute.

“Minus Literacy” comes to a climax, when Matsudaira and the gang learn that a crisis has occurred at the “organization” Miharu left them for. The estate is taken over and we are all very shocked to find that the person who has taken control of Matsudaira’s debt is…Miharu. Shocked I say. ;-)

The position of student council president is an important one, but sometimes, there are needs that reside in a heart that cannot be expressed through churning, grinding paperwork. Or so I gather from “Omoi wo Mukou,” in which Saori convinces Yuki to abandon her work for a day and act out a play between the two of them. They take the stage with – and for – each other, for this once.

As usual, I’m skipping “Love Cubic” but there’s a love complication somewhere in between the usual stuff.

“Otome Kikan Gretel” was a chapter filled with egregious nudity, bathing, the implication of a 3-way relationship between the other group (not Yuu’s) and an admission by Yuu that she quite likes soft breasts. Well…duh… Nonetheless, it made me laugh. I have *no* idea why. :-)

Crisis in “Casseopiea Dolce!” Anna is ever closer to maybe, perhaps, one day confessing some small portion of her feelings to Elza-sensei, but a newcomer shows up on the scene to confuse things. Karen, who makes the glass eyes used by the dollmaker, decides she’s fallen in love at first sight with Anna. A timely and oh-so-realistic slip in the bathroom gives Anna a chance to convey her feelings in the most basic way. She kisses Elza, then runs away passive-aggressively.

“C de Onegai” is the same old schoolgirl story with hilarious love triangle hijinks, centering around a misunderstanding of the A,B and C designations used for sexual activity. (Analogous to our first, second and third base.) Kaede confessed her feelings for Meru three days ago, but has not gotten a response. When she does, it’s, “let’s take it from C,” which Meru thinks stands for “chuu” – i.e., a kiss. Things become complicated when Kaede passes a chuu onto Meru, but finds her best friend Aida giving her a chuu, too.

Suzuki-san remains bad with dogs and Saori collapses in another pulse-pounding chapter of “Konohana Link.” I keep waiting for anything to tie together, but nope – not so far!

Miduki Maya provides a silly look at the line between roleplay and delusion in “Hakushaku no Okinihairi.” The “Count” takes a great deal of interest in one of the first-years, and it turns out that, despite the Dracula roleplay, she actually *is* interested in the first-year. No, really.

Fukukaichou has seen her world crumble and now she sits, alone, crying at her own stupid feelings when Kaichou walks in on her. “Kaichou and Fukukaichou” face a crisis, as Kaichou asks what’s wrong and refuses to accept the usual, “nothing” response. There’s not nothing wrong, she says, if you’re sitting here alone, crying. Fukukaichou, beyond the end of her endurance, leans forward and kisses Kaichou and immediately knows she’s ruined everything. Despite myself – despite the fact that I know what Kaichou’s reaction is going to be – I’m actually looking forward to the next chapter of this.

And last, Natsuneko tells the story of a miraculous meeting of two women who have had their hearts broken and are now contemplating suicide in “Yaneura no Kiseki.” I won’t give away the twist in the story, but it was snort-worthy.

So, looking back at it, this was probably the most enjoyable volume of YHS so far. Sure, there’s still a ton of service that does not serve me, particularly and a somewhat tiresome lack of adult women who like other adult women, but hey, that’s why I publish Yuri Monogatari. For a maid-, schoolgirl-, bathing suit-, bath-filled rubbish magazine, it was quite enjoyable. :-)

Overall – 8

Yuri Anime: Candy Boy, End of Season Review, Guest Review by Mara

May 12th, 2009

I have asked you, my readership, to supply reviews of various things from time to time. Last weekend, I expressed a desire to have a review by someone who enjoyed Candy Boy. It is now my genuine pleasure to welcome Guest Reviewer Mara for today’s opinion. Everyone, please give Mara your attention and support! Yay~ /applause/

It was short.

It was pretty.

It was adorable.

Those were my reasons for watching the first episode of Candy Boy, and really all anyone needed to have a reason to watch it. Sisters Kanade and Yukino (apparently twins) both are enrolled in the same art school and live in the same dorm. The ONA covers a misunderstanding that barely threatens their relationship for less than a week.

As it was a small piece of promotional material it was animated surprisingly well with shaded expressive characters and shots taken from interesting angles. Part of this was to save money not having to animate so much movement; instead we are shown close-ups of held hands, someone’s eyes or the perspiration on a glass that gives us a taste of the mood underneath the dialogue in a given scene.

Now, apparently, this became famous enough that a web-release series was considered viable and we then got another seven episodes, of approximately the same length, with slightly less of the money saving camera work that I loved so much.

But the story moved along in its own ineffectual way. Everything was still pretty just not as much now. They had a bit more money but did not lengthen the episodes much; so not much can be conveyed even in the third and forth two -part episodes or the twenty minute finale.

As far as the Yuri in this series goes the producers played it far too safe considering the target market. Looked at arms length you could say: ‘Well, they’re just very close sisters.’ This is irritating when it was clearly the relationship between these two characters that made the one-off promo a seven-episode series. Thus the relationship became the anime equivalent of talking about something without ever truly examining it. This was a wasted opportunity in my opinion, but at the same time you cannot ask for the world from a small seven episode ONA.

Despite all that, I really enjoyed the interaction between all the characters. A four-character cast shown in snapshots of a few minutes feels rounded due to a pleasant blend of cliché and enjoyably tender moments between each individual over the course of the series.


Art – 10
Story – 6
Characters – 7
Yuri – 7
Service – 10

Overall – 8

As someone who was definitely the target market for Candy Boy I found it very enjoyable, often anticipating another episode of inconsequential cute fluff.

Again, my thanks for this review. And not just because it provides me with a day off! lol I appreciate perspectives that are not my own. In fact, as of right now, I am officially stating this:

Wanted: Guest Reviews for Okazu.

I am looking for people to review the following series:

Koihime Musou OVA
Queen’s Blade (when the season ends)

If you enjoyed these series, and would like to tell people about them, then please shoot me an email. I can only pick one person per series – and should I get more than one submission, I apologize in advance for any inconvenience. Once I give you the go ahead – then go ahead and write your review! You can read my Okazu Guest Review Guidelines for some guidance on what I’m looking for – or if you have a great idea you want to review but aren’t sure what I want in a review.

I look forward to receiving your guest reviews!

Yuri Manga: Manga no Tsukurikata, Volume 1 (まんがの作り方)

May 11th, 2009

When Kawaguchi was 13, she debuted as a manga artist. But, due to many different things, she stopped drawing. Now she’s 19 and has decided to get back into it only…she has no idea what to draw.

After thinking about it, she decides to try her hand at Yuri, since BL and GL seem all the rage. Thus begins Manga no Tsukurikata (まんがの作り方).

Only…now Kawaguchi *really* has no idea what to draw.

Just then, she’s visited by a workmate and classmate of her young brother’s, Morishita. Morishita has a crush on Kawaguchi, so when the older girl asks her out, she gladly agrees. Kawaguchi thinks that going out with another girl will give her some inspiration, but finds pretty quickly that things are more complicated that they seem.

For one thing, Morishita is not just her workmate and a classmate of her younger brother Masato – she is also Kawaguchi’s favorite manga artist, Sacchi.

For another, despite her desire to gain inspiration from Morishita, Kawaguchi’s failure to take Morishita’s emotions seriously cause a complete blockage of ideas. Even after a magazine editor agrees to take a look at her work, Kawaguchi hasn’t the barest bone of a plot. And all the while, there’s Morishita looking at her with eyes full of honesty and desire.

And lastly, because nothing can be easy, Kawaguchi’s kid brother, Masato, also likes Morishita, so it’s a bit of a torture for him to see the two of them together.

While this manga is undoubtedly “Yuri” in the sense that Yuri is mentioned a lot, there is surprisingly little Yuri in it. Morishtia’s feelings are real, but aside from hand-holding and an arm around a shoulder, Kawaguchi is not exactly returning the emotion. In fact, the one or two times Morishita attempts to close the distance between them, Kawaguchi brushes her off. By the end, she’s pretty certain that she’s using the other woman, and won’t even tell her what she’s doing, which builds a wall between them.

In discussing this with Erin S. on #[email protected] we agreed that the biggest question for us in regards to liking this story is – will Kawaguchi just keep using Morishita or will she come to like her back, honestly. Or at least be honest with her.

If the relationship between Kawaguchi and Morishita stays the same, this series could become quite wearing. If one way or another Kawaguchi is honest with the other girl, then there’s some actual potential for the story.


Art – 7
Story – 7
Characters – 7
Yuri – 5
Service – 1

Overall – 7

Outside this rather major issue of honesty, the series is otherwise a non-stressful, silly, mostly realistic and not an unpleasant read. Another almost really Yuri story from Ryuu Comics. ^_^

Earn a copy of "Yuri Monogatari 6" through "Project Engage!

May 10th, 2009

As you know, ALC Publishing recently launched Yuri Monogatari 6 and as we know there are a lot of you who would like a copy of the book but, for one reason or another, cannot get it. Maybe you’re in school and can’t afford it, or maybe you live somewhere where shipping from Amazon makes it outrageously expensive.

So, we’ve developed this new Project special for you!

Here’s how it works:

Project Engage” is very simple. Use any and all social media you *already use* to promote YM6 and EARN a copy of YM6 for your efforts!

– Mention Yuri Monogatari 6 in a relevant Forum, Mailing List, Blog post, Twitter about it, or talk about it on your Facebook, MySpace, LiveJournal page, or any other form of social media *that you already use* with a link to either the ALC Page on the Yuricon Shop or Amazon and get *5* points.

– Embed the Yuri Monogatari 6 video trailer (see below) on the any of the social media *you already use,* and get *10* points.

– When you have earned *50* points, email us links to these posts, your age and your address at anilesbocon01 at hotmail dot com with the subject line “Project Engage Links” and we’ll send you a copy of “YM6!”

It’s that simple.


1) You MUST be 18 or over. There is no exception to this rule. Include your age in your email the first time. Don’t make us chase after you for it.

2) You may not create dummy accounts/blogs or pages for this. If we check and you have no other posts on your blog, or no other posts on the Forum in question, your entry will not count AND you’ll make us look bad, like we’re spamming the world. So – please only use accounts on places that you already use regularly.

3) This project is meant to support and promote ALC and YM6. A link followed by a damnation of everything we are doing will not make you any friends. If you want to help us out, we’re delighted. If you want us to die a fiery death, don’t feel obliged to “help.” :-) Lying and cheating to get a book is also not the point. This is to reward folks who *want* to do something concrete to help support us.

4) All links *must* be verifiable. I’m willing to sign up for forums, or friend you, but if you stick them in a private area that no one but you can see, then that’s kind of not the point. -_-;;

5) Yes, previous posts, links and embeds count. If you already mentioned YM6 somewhere before today, that is absolutely, positively acceptable. Just collect *50* points worth and you’ve earned yourself a copy of YM6!

6) If you are not 18+, please feel free to share links and embeds, but at this time we cannot send you a book. However, your support is still very much appreciated and I want to thank you, so email those links and I’ll send you an “I Love Yuri” postcard to show our thanks!


Here are the links to share:

YM6 Video Trailer Link:

YM6 Video Trailer Embed (click on the arrow icon on the bottom of the video next to the volume control and cut and paste the “embed” code to your blog/page:)

Yuri Monogatari 6 on Amazon:

Yuri Monogatari 6 on Yuricon Shop:


Project Engage is open to anyone 18 or over, they do not need to be a member of the Yuricon ML or a reader of Okazu. So feel free to get your friends involved. A few of you banding together *can* get a book to share – the point is to get the word out.

If you have questions, please ask them here in the comments, so everyone can see the answer. Thanks and here’s to the success of Project Engage!

Yuri News this Week – May 9, 2009

May 9th, 2009

Yuricon & ALC News

Top story today is that I am the top story at Anime Today. :-) I was very pleased to spend some time with the utterly fabulous folks at Anime Today this week, and our resulting talk can be found at this week’s Anime Today podcast. We talk about lesbian comics, and the realities of marketing and publishing in a niche market. I hope you’ll tune in – it was a LOT of fun!


Yuri Anime

That great Yuri classic Vandread will be rearing it’s head once again, like the undead, horrible rotting thing it is. This time, we’ll be treated to a feature-length synopsis of both seasons. Since the series is being shrunk for your viewing pleasure, there’ll probably be even less lesbians on that all-female ship than there was the first time around.

Comcast On Demand began airing the first episodes of Maria Watches Over us. Can you believe it? It’s like some weird dream, in which an American anime distributor actually listened to me. lol

In reality, Right Stuf needs no edumacation from me – they “get it.” I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it – Right Stuf is best of breed right now in anime distribution, and Funimation is hustling, too. There are smart people at these companies. Support them with money, not just with words, so they can be smart for you a little while longer.


Yuri Manga

Katherine wants you to know that Hitohira is winding down in Japan, but that the artist will be starting a new series which also has more than one female character, so some Yuri may be manufacturable. :-)

Not Yuri, but most definitely lesbian, Ariel Schrag’s collection Likewise has been released. This autobiographical, raw and honest review of a young lesbian’s life is garnering some good reviews.


Yuri Light Novel

Anonymous cheerfully informs us that there is a Rakka Ryuusui Light Novel. There is also a good chance of light Yuri. :-)


Snatches of Yuri

Speaking of novels, they are not Light, or even light, but Yoshiya Nobuko’s generation-defining Hana Monogatari are out in a handsome new edition in two parts. Part One and Part Two look spiffy.

Harenochi Cinderella is a rich girl/poor girl like story at a (what else?) school for rich girls. There may be Yuri. :-)

Assistant Denki Keika is an “ecchi” (a word that frankly makes me shudder with lack of anticipation) manga about an assistant to a mangaka and her sexual adventures, which include, obviously, Yuri.


Other Yuri News

hasekura_rei says “it seems like the group that was running the Marimite SIM on Second Life is back together and has a new SIM (complete with the Old Unpopular Greenhouse finally) and they’re accepting applications for their pine, cherry blossoms, mum, and camellia classes. The SIM Location is If [you’re] interested, grab a rules and group info notecard next to the entrance way. It’s in Japanese and decent enough English.”

So if you are a Second Lifer and want to hang out with a bunch of guys pretending to be Lillian students, check it out and let us know how it goes!


That should be enough to keep you for a week. Become a part of the Yuri news team, and let me know of any Yuri News you hear!