Archive for May, 2009

Red Garden Anime, Volume 6 (English)

May 8th, 2009

As the curtain opens for Red Garden, Volume 6, the four girls finally find some equilibrium in their shattered lives. One at a time, we watch Clare, Rose, Rachel and Kate come to the belated realization that they have never truly been alone. Armed with the knowledge that their existence meant *something* to *someone,* they head off for what they know will be a final battle.

The battle is itself, inconsequential. The two sides that needlessly fought, now needlessly die at each others’ hands. While Edgar loses everything he thought he had, Lise is returned to the four, and together they all face their final rest…in peace.

Is it some years later, or in an alternate universe that we find the same four reborn into a future city that is completely different and exactly the same. Metempsychosis brings them into contact with people they have known well in their former lives – but there is no recognition of that acquaintance. They’ve lived so long, they’ve had to be seventeen so many times, that they have completely changed personalities, in the same way people change clothes. As the Dead Girls, they terrorize and titillate the city. For money, for thrills, for something to give their life meaning, they fight once again. And again. And again.

At the end of the disk we are left with one of two things – a vague sense of unease and loss, or a vague sense of “gawd, that was awesome’ and the Dead Girls’ theme song stuck in our head for a week. ^_^

This was a disk well worth waiting for and my sincere thanks to Funimation for caving to our fan whines and releasing it on it’s own. It was so very, very worth your time and effort for our enjoyment!

The Yuri in this series is, as it always has been, Paula. Unlike the Paula of the manga, this Paula is supportive and empathetic, loyal and in the end, honorable. Kate receives Paula’s emotions with thanks and a sense of appreciation rather than rejection. It is a one-sided love, but it is a real love that is accepted without question. For this one thing alone, I would adore this series. But the series is far more than just this one thing.

Red Garden is a series I go back to, from time to time, just to enjoy spending time with characters that, despite their outrageous situation, come off as completely real and approachable. And that, in the end, is why I watch anime.


Art – 7
Story – 8
Characters – 8
Yuri – 4
Service – 1

Overall – 8

Sadly, the cover copy wasn’t nearly as amusing this time as with previous volumes. “A suspenseful thriller with a keen sense of style.” I assume that’s a reference to clothing. They are teenage girls, after all.

Today my deep and abiding thanks goes to Eric P., one of my first Okazu superheroes, and a person whose support of Yuricon and Okazu goes way beyond mere financial. I want to take this opportunity to just say, thank you Eric, for everything. I absolutely can never thank you enough. (And I’m really only thanking you profusely because I know it will annoy you, ^_^) So, hey, thanks for sticking with this series and sponsoring today’s review!

Yuri Anime: Lyrical Nanoha A’s (English)

May 7th, 2009

There are many, many good things about Lyrical Nanoha A’s. There are also some bad things – things significant enough that they impact not only my own, but many other people’s enjoyment of this series.

We’ll suffice to say that the lolicon in this series strikes me as problematic. It’s not cute, or sweet; it’s pandering and it is troubling. I spoke at length about some of these issues in my original review of this anime, so I won’t beat it to death again.

Instead, I would like to focus on the positive aspects of this series. Primarily to convince Bruce that bearing with the first season is, really, I swear, worth it. ^_^

This season begins with Nanoha being trained by the Time-Space Administration Bureau, and Fate nearing the end of her punishment for her crimes from the previous season. In order to foster a positive environment for Fate, and to provide her with a functional family model, Admiral Lindy Harlown has adopted Fate and is going to live on Earth for a while, along with her daughter.

While on Earth, a powerful Lost Logia appears, and burns its way through the life energy of a girl the same age as Fate and Nanoha, Hayate. The Book of Darkness, a the Logia is called, manifests four guardians who, along with Hayate, form a surprisingly functional alternative family of their own.

For reasons that are very good on both sides, the TSAB, Nanoha and Fate are placed in direct confrontation with Hayate and her Guardians.

What makes this series good is, simply, that the characters are excellent. There is not one of the Guardians that isn’t likable, honorable and respectable. Vita’s a fun bundle of righteous anger, Shamal is cool and Mom-like, Signum is awesome embodied, and Zafira’s a good dog. There is no Prescia, no Jail Scaglietti here (okay, well, there is for like thirty seconds, but it’s a dumb plot complication that is made to go away practically as quickly as it appears) – just a tremendous, tragic conflict between opponents both equally matched and equally worthy. Of course we are never REALLY in doubt that Nanoha will befriend and “befriend” her opponents…and this time we’re so very, very glad she does. In fact, I kinda wished she had defeated them sooner, so we could spend more time just playing around together.

So, Bruce, I promise, if you can just manage to make it through the first half of the first season, it gets *so* much better. And this season is miles better than the first. Plot and character-wise, at least.

Yuri-wise, this is probably the least of the three seasons, mostly because just about as soon as Nanoha and Fate have even a second together, they are hard at work saving the universe. But, delusional as I am, I see it anyway. ^_^

I still think that the best characters are the Devices, something that has not changed no matter how many times I watch this series. I just love Graf Eisesn’s enthusiasm for smashing things, Raising Heart’s gung-ho supportiveness and Bardiche’s cool competence.

Technically, I have any number of issues with the Funimation translation, but meh, don’t feel like complaining. It’s a great series with great characters and some stuff that isn’t so great.


Art – 8
Character – 8
Story – 8
Yuri – 3
Service – 8

Overall – 8

My sincere and repeated thanks to newly promoted Okazu Superhero Amanda M! I just adore this series and cannot thank you enough for sponsoring this review of it. As much as watching it still makes me feel a little icky, I don’t care – I’m gonna keep watching it. lol Please email me at your earliest convenience to get your shiny new gold Superhero badge!


El Cazador Anime: Volume 4 (Polish/German)

May 6th, 2009

I’m very excited to once again offer a review from the Okazu Europe bureau. Everyone, please welcome back Winterbraid! Yayyy~!

El Cazador Volume 4 has episodes 15 through 18. Starting with the mandatory swimsuit (and in one case, no swimsuit) episode, followed by L.A. losing the last bits of sympathy we have for him, some random cosplay and buttock prodding by Nadie and Ellis, and – in my opinion – a rather Noir-like episode, closed with the trickster god part – which, on the second run, is probably one of my favourites. Otherwise, it seems that everyone stalks everyone, all with a generous spurt of fluff and cuddly on top – perfect after a tough week. ^-^

As far as the localization is concerned… well, I’m not really in the mood for nagging right now. ^-^ Fortunately, there is no more translating whole sentences as a single word, although some awkwardness (and a few blatant mistakes) awaits. Overall, I’d say that compared to the previous volume, the translation hasn’t gained enough of a soul to allow for creative criticism, but there is an improvement – or maybe it’s just that my tolerance is increasing. Apparently, there’s something
weird about the disc that prevented me from playing it on Linux… not that anyone cares. ^-^. Now that I think about it, the fonts could perhaps do with some tweaks, i.e. less jaggedness – oh well… anyway, every possible defect of this release is – for me at least – overshadowed by the postcards, which are quite cool this time. ^-^

By the way, I took a quick glimpse of the manga; and… uh… how should I put it… NO. ^-^;

Short, bittersweet and to the point. Thank you Winterbraid for another look at a series we cannot *wait* to get over here!

Ichigo Mashimaro Encore Anime

May 5th, 2009

Chika and her friends are back and even sillier things than ever before are happening in Ichigo Mashimaro Encore.

Much of what is animated in Encore is from the 6th volume of the manga. If you have read and enjoyed these chapters, you are likely to enjoy them again as animation.

If you don’t care that Miu’s antics can make demons in hell laugh, then you probably won’t care so much. And if you don’t care that Nobue is not their friend, but their gang boss, or that Miu and Chika’s friendship is almost alien in it’s intense weirdness, then, again, you probably don’t want to watch this anime.

But if you are a member of the Miu Fan Club, if you like the idea that Miu and Chika’s relationship surpasses words and has moved on to bizarre ASCII art, if you like the idea that Chika and Miu make a stellar comedy team then you too, will enjoy Encore.

Yuri is low, with one “are we lesbians” gag but despite that, yes, I still think the Miu is a EPL-in training. Call it a gaydar thing. :-)


Art – 7
Story – 8, sometimes 9
Characters – 8
Yuri – 2
Service – 3

Overall – 8

If the world is a good place, someone will license the OVAs and this Encore series and put them out in a box set.

Gokujou Manga, Volume 1

May 4th, 2009

Gokujou (ゴクジョッ。~極楽院女子高寮物語~) is exactly the kind of manga that I find it maddening to see included on Yuri lists because 1) it has no redeeming qualities at all and 2) it has no Yuri. What it does have is a lot of utterly pointless and emotionally stunted nudity, and “wacky” cluelessness about sexuality that forces situations that are vaguely sexual in nature. Because it takes place at a girls’ school, these vaguely sexual situations are fake-lesbian-ish, or Yuri if you are a spectacularly unaware fanboy.

What Gokujou *is* is a more nudity-filled, more pervtastic, even MORE stupid version of almost the same exact set of gags one finds in High School Girls…if Kouda was the lead character.

In the first chapter we meet Aya, a completely delusional sexual innocent who likes to show off her assets without the vaguest clue what she’s actually doing. Aya is plagued by hysterical situations like losing her underwear, so she steals the underwear from her friend Konatsu, and later the two of them tumble ass over teakettle, showing the whole school their nekkidness. This was the hilarious first chapter.

The rest of the book just goes downhill from there, in chapters where we discuss the wrinkles in pudenda, of course the inevitable breast-size chapter, and insane bathing suit at the pool – a chapter that also includes many close-up shots of strangely drawn female crotches. Guys – I know this may comes a shock to you, but we females do *not* have bulging crotches. It seems kind of obvious to me, but then – I’ve actually seen a woman naked and you probably haven’t. (I am seriously confused as to why, with ALL those pictures of naked women available for free on the Internet, mangaka can’t draw crotches that are anatomically correct.)

In any case, chapter after chapter involves Aya being curious, confused, bewildered and amazed at one exciting pubescent topic after another. The lack of anything like sweet innocent charm in this manga is really hammered home by the gaping mouths, bulging eyes, snot-running noses and sweaty faces of Aya in her various phases of non-thought.

To my mind, this series was created as a subtle punishment to those readers who like wacky sexual hijinks without any actual sex or sexuality involved. In fact, the whole thing makes women and their secondary sexual characteristics (and high school girls in particular) *so* physically and emotionally unappealing, I think every 12 year old boy should be forced to read it, so they’ll stay scared of women just a little longer.


Art – 8, it’s so good everyone looks awful
Story – 1, there is none
Characters – 1
Yuri – 5, if you equate a (clueless) sexual act between women as lesbian
Service – 841

Overall- 2

The artist, Miyazaki Maya, is known for “ecchi” comedy and has done some stories for Ichijinsha. Speaking only for myself, I have yet to find an “ecchi comedy” that is either marginally arousing or slightly amusing, much less both. Bulging eyes and running noses really don’t do it for me.