Time to hit the boards in search of Yuri!
Yuri Drama CD
I was taken to task for not pointing this out eralier, but I haven’t been taking my omniscience pills so, belatedly, here is news of the Rakka Ryuusui Drama CD.
Yuri Manga
Gokujou Drops, Volume 2 is out from Ichijinsha on May 18. The next volume of Hanjuku Joshi is planned for an August release.
Erin S. wants to assure you that you orders have not been “canceled” (which is what the helpful folks at Amazon JP tell you, when they mean “delayed”) and the Ame-iro Kouchakan Kandan manga (with or without Drama CD) will also be out on May 18.
She’s also glad to be able to say Zaou Taishi and Eiki Eiki will have a new series in Yuri Hime magazine starting next issue (issue 17, due out July 18).
And she continues with more on the Yuri Himefront – another cell phone manga (set in the Heian period; could be interesting),Aishiwo tome: kimi ga kokoro ha by Takahashi Itsumi, are both due out that day, too. Several YH books are due out on June 18: Creo the Crimson Crises/ Volume 2 (which will also have a special extra in the next issue of Yuri Hime S, a Kurata Uso collection (yay! says Erica,) a Natsuneko collection (double yay!, says Erica), and a Yoshitomi Akihito collection.
Yuri Events
Saturday, July 11 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm Friend of Yuri Katherine will be be hosting a “Yuri 101” panel at the Yasumicon anime convention being hosted by Florida International University in Miami.
Yuri Anime
Anime Network (the TV cable network, not a typo of ANN) was thrilled to announce that both Maria-sama ga Miteru and Aria will be added to their schedule. I have no idea at all if this is the dawn of a subbed-anime cable station, but I have to admit, *I’m* far more likely to subscribe if they offer more subbed anime.
We’ll call it quits here, but be sure to drop back in next week for even more Yuri News!