No, I am not avoiding doing a review. If anything, I really need to do a review, because I have piles all over the place. But no. I am weak. Jason Thompson said that he would like to see my shelf porn and, weak-willed fangirl that I am, I obliged. I’ve always avoided this, because my collection is spread out through the house. Now, here’s selected pieces of it.
This picture is the one shelf I have of English-language manga. The bottom shelf is two books deep. I don’t keep much of the English stuff I read, because I prefer to read in Japanese. Not because I’m a purist (although I am) or elitist (guilty as charged) but because it takes me way longer to read it in Japanese and so I feel like I get my money’s worth. :-)
Click on the pictures to see a bigger version, but don’t come whining to me when it’s just a bigger version of my crap piled on a shelf. lol
This is a picture of my old shelves. These came built-in to the room and every shelf except the bottom one is two-deep. The top shelves are mostly my wife’s stuff, with some of mine mixed in.
The middle two shelves have a lot of Yuri, a lot of other and a lot of really other. And some of my slightly less beloved anime.
The bottom shelves are my art books, and random items that had no home that fit there back in the day when there was room on that shelf.
There’s no rhyme or reason here. Just a lot of books. I can *usually* find everything I’m looking for. Except when I can’t.
This is my beloved new set of shelves, built for me by my father-not-in-law and covered with all the things I love so much I want them practically within arm’s reach of my sofa.
As you can see, I’m way out of space, but I don’t want to go two deep yet. I’m just not ready to go there.
Also featured on these shelves is my filthy little habit of collecting 4-inch plastic dolls and other random goods.
What you can’t see at all in this picture is that the bottom row on these shelves has all the Yuri Shimai/Hime/HimeS and Monogatari volumes. Tsubomi sits awkwardly above them, because it doesn’t really play well with the others.
This isn’t the greatest picture, but you can just about make out all the Yuri anthology mags, and the talking Kero-chan my wife bought me years ago for my birthday and the Asamiya Saki figurine she got me for another birthday (standing in front of my original run of Sukeban Deka, of course.) I even unboxed the Sachiko and Yumi mug Bruce broughtback from the Maria-sama ga Miteru event last year in Japan, just to
incite jealousy share.
These innocuous looking piles are my Mist and Morning 2 collection. I just don’t have anywhere else to put them. :-(
These next two pictures are the pride and joy of my collection. These are my doujinshi bins. They are labeled because we brought them all to the Yuricon 2007 Yurisai event. I love my doujinshi. Thanks to contributions from Hagiwara Mami-san, James Welker and Rica Takashima, my historical collection is probably pretty priceless. (Because who else would *want* them? lol)
That’s it for my collection. My wife has her own shelfporn, but I’m not sharing her dirty secrets with you. This is the bulk of my collection, although you really never see the stuff in the back of the two-deep shelves. You’ll just have to imagine. :-)
I hope you enjoyed this tour of my collection. The gift shop is just around the corner. Please come back soon!
10/8: Whoo-hoo! Jason T. responded with a fabulous bit of double entendre’: “Thank you for sharing! It’s even bigger and more impressive than I imagined! :)”
*gapes* Awesome collection.
Ever thought of sending this to ANN to be part of Shelf Life?
I want to someday makes my collection like yours… it is like a utopia for Yuri lovers *0*
I noticed Maggie standing alone on the shelf. My Maggie doesn’t seem so lonely along with her two sisters on my shelf.
@Filo – You can’t see it, but there is a smaller figure on the top shelf of all of them. :-)
Yo quiero tu porno >> auu si soy de mexico monterrey como puedo llegar ala Yuricon??
bueno mas que todo en ¿donde es?
Karoline – Yuricon is usually held in New Jersey.
These are seriously nice. I have shelf envy… ;P Someday I’ll have mine like this. Your collection is something to aspire to…:D
How many years did it take to collect this much? And roughly, how many volumes of manga and anime do you have? :)
@Ashrie – It’s taken me almost ten years to collect this, and I have to thank people like Rica, James, Hagiwara-san, Horie-san, Komatsu-san, y_y-san and a number of other folks for the help on the doujinshi.
In 2007, when we numbered all the manga and doujinshi for Yuricon 2007, it was at about 1200 items. The last two years has probably out that closer to 2000, with so much more coming out and if I include the anime.
WOW!! I don’t think I’ve ever seen such an amazing collection of anime or manga! Are most of them Yuri?! LOVE IT!