Yuri Manga: Tsubomi, Volume 18 (つぼみ)

July 9th, 2012

Tsubomi, Volume 18 begins with a phenomenon I’ve heard of but never actually seen…a chapter that hasn’t quite been completed.

Despite the fact that it lacks tones and final inking, “Hoshikawa Ginza Yon-choume” returns from a pointless digression to a very powerful chapter in which Otome learns that her mother (who never bothered to get in touch with her to let her know that she and her father had divorced,) belatedly sends a letter informing her that she’s remarried…and wants Otome to come live with her again. Suddenly, both Otome and Minato have to face the fact that they have no legally viable claim on one another. Now, at last, this story will deal with the reality that has been buried behind the deepening relationship between them.

Suzuki Yufuko’s “Candy” comes to an end, with exactly the kind of epilogue I enjoy most. This series is a real dark horse entry for my Top Ten this year, with an unexpectedly sweet and satisfying love story.

“Joouhachi no Jirenma” is a nice twist on a relationship between rivals.

Hoshino and her sempai have it out and put the past behind them, while we get a little glimpse into Hanaii’s past, as well, in “Hana to Hoshi.”

And, of course there a ton of other stories with things like panty shots (gods…how tired I am of those…) and other exciting moe Yuri tropes. All very fascinating if you’re not me. ^_^;;


Overall: Let’s see, 4 stories out of 16 that I liked, 2 more I didn’t mind… okay, let’s call it a 6.

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