Do you remember Comic Lily? Neither did I. As a prompt, here are my reviews of Volume 1, Volume 2 and Volume 3 of this short-lived Yuri anthology.
But at one of the events I attended last month in Japan, I picked up a self-published collection called Kisu ha Owaride Hajimari de (キスはおわりではじまりで) which included stories that had originally been published by Matsushita Mai and Rakutoki Tarahi in that anthology.
On the bad side, most of these stories fall right into that dysfunctional “She annoys me, unless she’s not here” plot that we just discussed. On the good side, each story includes an epilogue that shows a somewhat more composed and functional relationship.
The first story, “Akogare Macaron” is the strongest of the bunch, Although Matsuri wants to be friends, Sayo works hard at rebuffing her…until Matsuri announces that she’ll be moving to France. Sayo finally finds it in herself to admit her feelings to herself and to Matsuri. This is followed up by an epilogue in which Sayo visits Matsuri in France and they vow to be together forever, someday.
The stories here are sweet and typical, much like the macaroon of the above story’s title…they all taste nice but they also taste pretty much the same.
The art is very decent, I think Hirari or Comic Yuri Hime would be well-served to look at this circle’s work.
Art – 8
Story – 8 for the first one, but they are the same story over and over and the impact lessens as one reads
Characters – 7
Yuri – 8
Service – 3
Overall – 7
On their site, the circle offers a few lovely Yuri wallpapers for download. Check ’em out!