AnimeSols announced the beginning of Round 2 of crowdfunding for classic anime DVD sets yesterday, Japan time. With several sets already funded (Creamy Mami, Black Jack) they started round 2 off with a bang that’s sure to please classic Yuri fans – Riyoko Ikeda’s melodrama Oniisama E, Dear Brother.
AnimeSols is streaming the anime (which is also available legally on, Episode 1 is up already (region limitations may apply.)
Crowdfunding is open until November and it’s off to a strong start already, with a very decent chance of being 1/4 funded by end of the first day. (Of course I have already pledged. I love this series for all its crazy. Here’s my first review of the series and my most review of it. I make no apologies about my feelings about Saint-Juste. ^_^
I feel completely confident that all the Yuri and Shoujo fans out there will make this happen. We already have Rose of Versailles. I can’t think of anything better than sitting Dear Brother right next to those. ^_^
Please share the news with your mailing lists, Tumblrs, Blogs, Groups and the like. This is one of the oldest classic Yuri anime we’ll ever get a chance to own. ^_^
I cannot seem to donate even if I register. I can understand not being able to watch a show outside of the countries where it is licensed but am I not even able to fund the DVD release? I hope I am missing something.
AnimeSols can only take North American pledges at this time. ( Once a DVD set is funded, they’ll be distributing through RightStuf – at which time fans can purchase from anywhere TRSI can ship.
Seems like Sam Penansky listened to us ~ I know I am not the only one who put “Dear Brother” top of my wishlist when he did his survey, and I’ll be in on Thursday (payday).
Its already 22% funded, and in the first round, the series that had made it past halfway by the last week both were funded, so I’m really optimistic about this one being successful.
I am also heartened by the fact that in the 24 hours since I woke up and saw the news, this has exceeded 1/4 of the goal. That’s the fastest growth I’ve seen so far. It’s going to slow down a bit now, but I feel very good about this one.
Its now $30 from 30% funded.
I recall crowdfunding old hands, which is to say people who have gotten into Kickstarter over the past year, declaring AnimeSols a failure based on funding rates in the first week or two …
… but as I pointed out a time or two at the time, AnimeSols is different, given that unlike Kickstarter there is something to do between the first rush of funding when a project is launched and a last rush when a project is coming close to its deadline …
… there’s the opportunity to actually watch the show. Not only does that keep people coming back to do something other than just “watch the funding progress”, but also gives the series an opportunity to grow the number of people who want its funding drive to be successful.
At the time, I looked for some of the AnimeSols series to keep making some progress week by week, as people who were coming back got over their thresholds of attachment to the series to support it. And that is what actually happened for the two series that got funded … they did not get close to 50% funded in the first week, but by the last week had made it over 50% funded.
So I reckon that at this stage our job, which I will happily take up, is just to get people to tune into the stream. As we get closer to the deadline, then our focus may have to turn to the telethon side of it … but in the first ten weeks at least, its first and foremost to get more people to tune into the stream.