Yuricon Mascots Yuriko and Midori by Ana Moreno
Over here at Okazu HQ, we have piles of stuff to give away and although we have contests regularly, sometimes people don’t reply to emails or stuff gets returned unclaimed and we end up with more stuff. So, I find myself with a pile of stuff that is meant to go to you, my dear readers, but it’s sitting here on my floor instead. So, because I love you all and want you to have stuff, I am doing a contest for…stuff! That’s right, it’s time for another “Get this stuff outta here contest!”
We have a Rose of Versailles Part 2 box set, and a signed copy of Denise Schroeder’s Yuri mini-comic Before You Go and a couple of copies of Marine Corps Yumi, Volume 2 and a pile of odd Yuri manga and other items that will be given away at my whim.
To enter, please follow these instructions carefully:
Email me at yuricon at gmail with the following subject line: Outtahere Contest
Your name
Your shipping address
An email you actually read on a regular basis
Your age (You must be over 13 to enter.)
Winners will be contacted by email only, so don’t check back here for any kind of winners list. This is spring cleaning, pure and simple.
Prizes will be distributed with arbitrary intent and lack of accountability. ^_^ If you win, I’ll let you know something’s coming. Since this is about getting stuff to good homes, if you’ve won recently, sure go ahead and enter. Next contest we’ll be back to recent winners, don’t enter. But for now, sure. ^_^
Thanks for entering and thanks for being such a terrific audience!