Every New Year’s Day in Japan, stores sell “Lucky Bags” which are blind grab bags with you-do-not-know-what in them. ^_^ You have to trust that the store is putting $200 shoes in a $100 bag. I love this idea, so once again, if you really like getting cool stuff and you really want to reward yourself, I have Lucky Boxes!
For those of you unclear on the idea of a Lucky Box or Grab bag – these are blind bags. You don’t know what you’re getting. There are no refunds, so if you’re not comfortable buying a box of you-have-no-idea-what, don’t worry, I’ll do less blind contests in 2015 again. I can’t tell you what is in each box anyway, because I just crammed stuff in as tightly as possible. ^_^ (We’ve had a few folks unclear on this in the past, so really please don’t buy one if you don’t like getting utterly random things.)
Just like as we’ve done in previous years, these are medium USPS flat rate boxes crammed full of things like magazines, postcards, doujinshi and manga, DVD/Blu-rays, games, figurines, clearfiles and stuff I picked up in Japan in October special for you! This time I will have three boxes, all with *varying degrees* of appropriateness and Yuriness (and there’s some BL in there too. If you don’t want it, please feel free to gift the to friends who might.)
Grab boxes are limited to the contiguous 48 states of the USA, because of the shipping, and people who are 21+ only, on principle.
Grab Box A – $35 Claimed!
Grab Box B – $50 Claimed!
Grab Box C – $50 Claimed! Damn these things go fast.
Thanks to the folks who bought the Lucky Boxes -here’s to a happy holiday season!