Every day on Okazu is fun, admittedly, but this is one of the funnest times of year – it’s Lucky Box time!
“Lucky Bags” are a feature of New Year’s Day in Japan, where stores sell blind grab bags with you-do-not-know-what in them. ^_^ You have to trust that the store is putting a $200 handbag in a $100 lucky bag.
In the nature of lucky bags, I am doing my annual Lucky Boxes here on Okazu!
For those of you unclear on the idea of a Lucky Box or Grab bag – these are blind bags. You don’t know what you’re getting. There are no refunds, so if you’re not comfortable buying a box of you-have-no-idea-what, then I suggest not participating. I really can’t tell you what is in each box anyway, because I just crammed stuff in as tightly as possible, without regard for what specifically is in each box. ^_^ (Really please don’t buy one if you don’t like getting utterly random things randomly.)
As in previous years, these are medium USPS flat rate boxes crammed full of things like magazines, comics, books, postcards, and manga, media, papercraft, toys, goods, candy and random wtfness I have gotten over the year! This time I will have four boxes, all with *varying degrees* of appropriateness and all with some Yuri and other weird stuff.
Grab boxes are limited to the contiguous 48 states of the USA, because of the shipping, and people who are 21+ only, on principle, so I don’t have to worry about parental approval. Paypal only. Boxes will be first-comes, first served, as they are all jam packed with wtf this year. ^_^
Here is how to claim a Lucky Box. Please read this carefully.
Step 1:
Email me at anilesbocon01 at hotmail dot com with the Subject Line: Lucky Box. Please email me from an email you check frequently.
The body of the email should include your name, shipping address and age. Remember you must be 21+.
Step 2:
I will email you back with my Paypal info. When I receive your payment, I will let you know and we’ll mark the box “Claimed”. If I don’t receive a response or payment in a day or two, I move on to the next person on the waiting list.
Grab Box A – $50 Claimed!
Grab Box B – $50 Claimed
Grab Box C – $50 Claimed!
Grab Box D – $50 Claimed!
And there we go, all of the boxes have been claimed. You folks are crazy. ^_^ They’ll be shipped in the next coupla days. Enjoy!