Tokyo Journal, Part 2 – Tokyo Comics Showcase, Volume 1

May 5th, 2016

The next main event on my schedule was being part of the Tokyo Comics Showcase, Volume 1, a Rainbow Pride Week event. So many thanks to Tsuchiya Yuki-san and the very darling Tachibana Remi-san for all their assistance and help and kindness.

Remi-san is a repeat role here on Okazu. You may remember her from a few years ago, when Ana Moreno took me to Takarazuka and we kept punching each other. Remi-san and I had a moment remembering Ana, and being angry that she’s gone (Ana, you jerk dying on us like that. You should have been there!)

We spent the early part of the day in Yuki-san’s office practicing. They wanted me to introduce myself in Japanese. With a few more days of practice I would have been so much less awkward. ^_^



But I only had a few hours, so I was a dog on a bicycle speaking. ^_^

At the event, I have so many, many, many people to thank. Simona, Jocelyne, Graham, Tagame-sensei, Nakamura-sensei, Bourbon-san, Ishida-san, Iida-san, Yamagata-san, friends that came like Komatsu-san and Ransui-san and all the wonderful people I met, like Kai-san and Hiromi-san. It was just so overwhelming and amazing and exhausting and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

Thanks to the Rainbow Pride Festival, and above all things, my wife and Bruce for being there. For *once*, I will be sharing the entire presentation with you when I get home as a slideshare that you can use for any Yuri panel!


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