Please join me at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor, MI on Thursday, January 19, 2017 , 12:00-1:30 PM in Room 1636 School of Social Work Building for the Center for Japanese Studies Noontime Lecture Series.
Alt Manga, Queer Manga: Telling Our Own Stories will cover the history of LGBTQ manga in Japan and the west, and delve into the issues of fan interpretation of commercial manga. Please click the above link and ask for seating availability.
I’m really looking forward to visiting Michigan for the first time (a layover in the Detroit airport doesn’t count.) I hope I will see you there!
I wish you all the best! I am with you in spirit.
Thank you!
Stay safe, Erica.
Thank you kindly. ^_^
I will see you there! Though sadly I’ll have to leave a little early because I have class at 1:30. I’m so excited for this event!
And Detroit airport doesn’t count. It’s not even in Detroit…
Airports are never in the city they are named after. It’ll be great to see you. Wave if we don’t get to talk.