Event: Yuricon at Yurithon in Montreal!

March 26th, 2017

This is such exciting news…I have been invited to be a guest at the Yurithon, Yuri-focused programming track within Montreal’s Otakuthon convention!

Please join me (and bunch of Yuricon friends and staffers) for the weekend of August 4-6, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. We’ll be doing some panels and who knows what else. I’ve never been to Montreal before, so I’m hoping to meet a whole new group of readers! This is a great chance to meet some of the core staff from early Yuricon days and folks who know a metric ton about cool Yuri stuff to watch and read.

As more details become available, I’ll share them. But just to remind you, this is my 2017 schedule to date: 

(Events in which it is confirmed that I’ll be participating in are in bold.)

MoCCA Arts Festival, April 1-2, 2017. New York City, USA. (TBD. I hope to pop by on Saturday. )

Queer & Comics – April 14-15, 2017. San Francisco, CA, USA. I’ll be participating and moderation panels.

Toronto Comics Art Festival – May 13-14, 2017, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I’ll be helping out with moderation.

AnimeNext – June 9-11, 2017. Atlantic City,  NJ, USA. (TBD, but let’s be real, I’ll probably be there, at least for a day. I always like to visit.)

Yurithon – August 4-6, 2017. Montreal Quebec, Canada. I’ll be a guest. ^_^

Flamecon – August 19-20. New York City, NY, USA.  (TBD, hoping to do a panel or two.)

If you want me at your event, please get in touch asap, you can see that the year fills up pretty quick these days. ^_^


2 Responses

  1. David S says:

    you should come to Anime Revolution in Vancouver BC one of these years

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