It is said that first impressions are important. In that regard, both Montreal and Yurithon have been excellent.
I really hope to meet a lot of Okazu friends here at Yurithon, but we’ve already made two new friend, Yuthon’s chair Meggie and her partner Kim. Wonderfully fun people.
Today my first presentation will be at 5PM, where I’ll be talking about the “Secret” History of Yaoi and Yuri…by which I mean, we’ll be talking the literary and historical references that inform the two genres.
But first, we’re doing something that is the most important thing you can do for yourself in a new city…see it. Yesterday we wandered around, ate in Montreal’s Gay Village, walked through Old Montreal and this morning, as thousands of people head to the Palais de Congres for Otakuthon, we’re going to the Museum of Contemporary Art. It’s not that I don’t love conventions, but where else can I see Montreal’s Museum of Contemporary Art other than Montreal?
Write a note to yourself next time you’re at a con, rather than wander the Dealer’s Room for the 87th time not seeing anything new, consider leaving the convention center and seeing the city you’re in.