Yuri Anime
The Asagao to Kase-san Official Twitter account announced the brand new Asagao to Kase-san OVA main trailer video on Youtube. They’ve also added English to their header on Twitter and REALLY want to hear from you on their new video. Don’t forget to let them know you love it and can’t wait to see this OVA. ^_^
Kase-san creator Takashima Hiromi’s Twitter feed also announced a new web commercial for the Kase-san manga and the upcoming chapter, “Sakura to Kase-san” in Wings magazine.
To Lie Angle Yuri anime is hitting Japanese broadcast TV in April, according to Paul Chapman at Crunchyroll. As I’ve said, it’s pretty much 150% fanservice, so my enthusiasm for it is low.
Yuri Manga
At Mikazuki Gakuen all the committees compete to run the school. The most popular committee becomes the Student Council in Pixiv Comic Yuri Hime manga, Foolish! (フーリッシュ)
A young OL is deeply interested in her sempai at the office. So deeply that she becomes a creepy stalker in Yuri Kagi ~ Sempai no Himitsu wo Nozoitemita~ ( 百合鍵 ~先輩の秘密をのぞいてみた~) because of course she does. ^_^;
Kara Dennison over on Crunchyroll News has the scoop that Seven Seas is putting out Yuri one-shot Beauty and the Beast Girl. And Joseph Luster reports on Seven Seas’ license of another Comic Yuri Hime one-shot Now Loading…! about a woman who gets her dream job as a phone game developer.
Yuri Event
Folks in or around Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Monday, March 26 may wish to attend a lecture by James Welker on Boys Love, Yuri, and More: Tracing the History of “Queer (But Not Necessarily LGBT) Media in Japan at Temple University. I’m going to do my damnedest to be there to cheer James on and, I have no doubt, learn a lot from him.
Comic Natalie reports that the Yuriten exhibition is back on for Tokyo at Studio Lightbox in Aoyama for April 28- May 4. The website has updated with the date, location and participating artists. I’ll let you know more when I get further details. ^_^
Other News
Katriel Page has written a personal retrospective of Revolutionary Girl Utena for Anime Feminist, Ohtori Revisited: My 18 Years with Revolutionary Girl Utena.
Mondo’s gorgeous Korra and Asami sculpture from Legend of Korra is up for pre-order. It’s above my comfort level for a figurine price, but it is very lovely. Do let us know if you get it! Unboxing videos welcome.
Become a YNN Correspondent by reporting any Yuri-related news to anilesbocon01 at hotmail dot com with your name and an email I can reply to!
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