One more panel and one last set of prizes!
An American Otaku in Japan -11:15am – 12:15pm, Panel Rm. 302
If you have ever wondered how to get to Japan, how to get around once you’re there, what to eat, where to eat and how to find anime and manga goods, you’ve come to the right panel!
And a quick report on Saturdays panels:
The Great Debate with Zack Davisson was fucking awesome! I’m told that people thought we’d actually come to blows. ^_^ It was an awesome debate over honorifics, scanlations and other things. We must do that again, Zack. Let’s take it on the road.
And I honestly believe we had the best audience I’ve ever had for the “Secret” History panel. Great questions. Really, genuinely fabulous stuff.
One more panel and I’ll have wrung all the fun I can out of AnimeNEXT for the year. ^_^ See you soon!