DNA Doesn’t Tell Us Manga, Volume 1 Guest Review by Day

October 3rd, 2018

It’s Guest Review Wednesday again and we sure have a Guest Review for you today! Welcome back Day who know hos their own category, where you can find all their reviews. The stage is yours Day…take it away!

What if, all over the world, animals suddenly began turning into teenaged girls? Well, in DNA Doesn’t Tell Us, Volume 1 (published in English by Seven Seas) what happens is that special schools would be formed for these young ladies to attend, complete with exploding uniforms (sometimes the girls revert to their animal forms, you see, and mere clothing rarely survives). Youko, our lead, happens to be one of these young ladies; once upon a time, she was a bighorn sheep, but after living for two years with a farmer, she’s now a student at Animalium in rural Japan. Animalium’s purpose is to teach former animals how to live in the human world as humans. Youko herself is displeased with being separated from her father figure, but she adapts fairly well to the situation and makes some friends.

What follows is fairly standard stuff for what is probably best classed with monster-girls-go-to-school tales, itself a fairly large subset of the burgeoning monster girl genre. Youko and her friends have a career day, there’s an athletic day, we spend an inordinate time peering into a high school locker room, Youko teaches her friends how to bathe like humans do… there’s a sexy lady in a skirt suit who runs the place, and who is, of course, there for those of us who don’t dig schoolgirl panties. But through it all, we get a pleasant surprise – Youko is far and away the most competent girl in the room, her time living on the farm as a human having already done a lot to ready her for the wider world. Given how common heroines are depicted as being “cutely” stupid and clumsy, it’s such a relief to run across a case where that isn’t so, and its genuinely enough to elevate this manga from tolerable to decent for me. Well – that, and that we get a good-natured story that, despite the fanservice, doesn’t descend into mean-spiritedness in its treatment of its characters.

I’ve made a bit of the visual fanservice thus far, so I feel its worth noting that while there is a decent bit of nudity, it declines from the quarter-way mark or so. There is a former Jersey cow later in the volume whose breasts are genuinely overwhelming, but, mercifully, she’s an adult, and she only shows up for a few pages.

As for Yuri… on the back cover, there’s a panel re-printed showing one girl biting another girl, with the caption “#girlxgirl”. I am sure that many readers fervently believe that the scene this is drawn from is a love confession scene which involves supporting characters Shin and Usami. I am equally sure that many readers of Okazu would feel much more skeptical toward it. A bit more grist can be drawn from Youko’s friendship with another sheep, her room-mate,and former Australian Merino, Fuwako. They actually seem genuinely fond of one another, which helps; its clear that Fuwako relies on Youko, and Youko enjoys spending time with Fuwako. She also regularly helps Fuwako get dressed, and we all know how sexy it is to have to clothe your romantic partner every day, right? Right??? Ahem; I’m being a bit mean, but although there’s more grist there, I myself still don’t see it, and its pretty obvious that the folks involved in this manga’s production want people to think its so without actually having to move it to the realm of text.

All in all, this is a decent if not particularly novel manga about girls in a special school with a solid heroine anchoring the whole thing, and I found it entertaining enough for a rainy afternoon. I am even considering picking up the second volume! If you dig monster/animal girl manga, but prefer to leave out the harem aspect many of those carry, this will likely float your boat. I wish the art was a bit less moe, but its polished and, sure, it’s cute (other than the poor Jersey cow woman), even if there’s no way any of the girls remotely resemble a teenager.

Art – 6
Story – 6
Characters – 6
Yuri – 2
Service – 5

Overall – 6

Thanks again, Day!

2 Responses

  1. Super says:

    At first I wanted to say that shounen manga usually doesn’t go beyond the subtext, and then I saw the canonical yuri Kamitsuki Gakuen in the manga list of the same magazine.

    Thanks for the review!

  2. Kamitsuki Gakuen is basically just vampire story with service. Sounds like an even match with this. I reviewed the first volume and found it absurd.

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