I’ll be pounding the (overcrowded, hot) aisles and panel rooms of New York Comic Con this weekend. And, for once, I won’t be there just for Okazu. I’ll be working with the exceptionally talented and dedicated reporters of the Comics Beat.
In fact, if you want to see what I’m up to, follow the tag with my name and you’ll find me there. I’ve already posted two stories: The NYCC 2018 Guide to LGBTQ Panels and NYCC ’18: Anime Expo Wants to Proves It Can Make It In New York City about LA’s Anime Expo and it’s role in developing the AnimeFest@NYCC. There’s a lot there to chew on.
I have a full schedule for the next two days, then will spend the next week writing stuff up, and THEN, I’ll be lecturing at Newark Museum’s Manga Mania Day on October 14, so expect a slowdown here for another week or so.
If you see me at NYCC do say hello! You know how much I love seeing you!