I finally had a chance to sit down and finish up the Cutie Honey Universe anime, streaming on HIDIVE (where apparently all the Sentai Films series stream, finally!) And, well, honestly, I think it was a darn near perfect iteration of this classic magical-girl adventure. The main story echoes the original manga pretty closely through the first half. Honey’s father is killed, Saint Jogakuen is attacked by Panther Claw, many people die. But in the second half, the series takes a new tack…and I really like it.
For one thing, in this version we get the very gay Aki Nastuko we’ve always deserved. Seduced by Inspector Genet, in love with Honey, this Na-chan is the right one. It was with no surprise, therefore, that we couldn’t keep her. :-(
Inspector Genet / Sister Jill was perfect. Perfect. Obsessed, evil, manipulative…absolutely perfect.
I’ve been watching Cutie Honey for a couple of decades and I’m gonna have to say – this was exceedingly close to what I would call the “ultimate” Cutie Honey. It doesn’t even end with the school in smoking ruins and dead bodies everywhere, so that has to count for something.
Art – 10
Story – 10
Characters – 10
Service – 10
Yuri – 9
Overall – 10
While I still have dreams of butchy Na-chan of Cutie Honey-a-Gogo! and Honey getting together, Cutie Honey Universe runs a close second.
So you’re saying this version’s beats even Re: Cutie Honey’s super serious Detective Nat-chan? Interesting.
I quite carefully did not say that, but I think this is the closest thing to an “ultimate” versions of the story. ^_^
I knew you would enjoy this show. Although I don’t know if Honey was returning her feelings, the ring scene was incredibly blatant.
Honey accepted the ring. And her final scene where she kisses it is pretty indicative that yes, she returned the feelings.
Well, in this case, this is a full-fledged romantic show.