Yuri Manga: Chocolat Shakaijin Yuri Anthology ( ショコラ 社会人百合アンソロジー)

November 26th, 2018

While we’re on Yuri anthologies(!), it seems a great time to 1) mention that there’s a new Yuri + Kanojo anthlogy out and, without having actually read any of it except the first story, it’s already my favorite of the series, Yuri + Kanojo Tomodachi ha Kinou Made (百合+カノジョ-友達は昨日まで-) and, 2) talk about yet another Yuri anthology set in adult life, this one from Yuri Hime Comics, starring many of your favorite artists, Chocolat Shakaijin Yuri Anthology ( ショコラ 社会人百合アンソロジー).

This is a “who’s who”of Yuri manga right now, with contribitutions by Kodama Naoko, Ohsawa Yayoi (whose story, in which a newer employee falls for “2DK, GPen, Mezamashitokei”s Ryuuko (of course.) I quite enjoyed the color page story in the first couple of pages by Kishi Torajirou about a late-night office talk that goes raunchy pretty quickly.

Stories by Pikachi, Tokwotsumu, Takemiya Jin, Momono Moto and others explore any number of not-always office not-always romances.

In yet another sign or me getting old, I’m really starting to enjoy the not-really romances. ^_^ Those moments that don’t work out are more appealing Weird, huh? Most of the stories have a happy ending, but there’s a nice balance of art style and story-telling here. ‘


Overall – 8

Like other anthologies, Chocolat is a great way to get a number of perspectives on a scenario.


3 Responses

  1. Jye Nicolson says:

    I happened to be in Osaka today and picked this one up; I wasn’t intending on buying any physical manga for a while but it’s hard not to break rules for a 2DK side story plus a bunch of my favourite artists.

    (Also Animate in Nanba had a pretty big display of Kase-san, while Blooming Into You was everywhere. Yuri definitely has a presence as a genre)

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