Yuri Visual Novel: A Beautiful Ride to Carlisle

December 23rd, 2018

In honor of the massive amounts of Yuri Visual Novels on yesterday’s YNN report, and because everyone likes to feel good about the world, I can think of no better thing to review today than Little Viktoria’s A Beautiful Ride to Carlisle which is described on the site as a “kinetic visual novel.”

To begin with, the story is a straightforward girl-meets-girl plot. Dana is taking a train to spend her vacation volunteering on an organic farm. On the train she meets another woman, Sharon, and the ride becomes something much more than a 5 hour lacuna in her life.

This is not a novel, per se, but there is a nice, long short story’s worth of content. I quite liked that this was written as a piece of writing, with supplementary illustrations that have some motion, rather than presuming the art as a full stand-in for description and narrative. In fact, this is the first VN so far that I have encountered that 1) acted like a story, i.e., didn’t pretend to have game elements and 2) was written in 3rd person. I really liked both those things. It let me release any expectation that the art had any other purpose than illustration. That gave the kinetic aspect a boost up for me.

The art is pretty and the character designs simple and appealing. I would read a manga with this kind of art with no complaint. It’s not the kind of hyper-realistic background art I have come to expect from VNs (and so much other non-film media.) Instead, we are given the feel of being on a train and the narrative fills in most of the rest, and yes, of course that appeals to me. I read books for the narrative, not for the illustrations. I mean, creative teams spend so much time on the art and it’s…a school hallway. Those lockers don’t need to be that detailed.

Which brings me to the characters. I would have both Dana and Sharon over for lunch any day. ^_^ We spend only a short time with them, but they are lovely.


Art – 8
Story – 8
Characters – 8
Yuri – 6
Service – 0 (okay, maybe .5)

Overall – 8

As a nice little “Story A” confection, A Beautiful Ride to Carlise lived up to its name. 

Many thanks to Viktoria for the review copy. I’ll definitely be interested to see what she’s working on next.

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