Cutie Honey: The Classic Collection (English)

January 10th, 2019

Many years ago, I was given the 1985 reprint of the 1973 manga Cutie Honey.  When she gave it to me, artist Rica Takashima mentioned that this was the very first magical heroine who didn’t need a man to help her (and the men actually get in her way more than once.) I’m a huge Go Nagai fan, so was thrilled to read this tale of death and destruction, breasts and body-shifting. It was, as I expected, horrible in the best possible way. I never expected to see it translated into English. 

Here it is, translated into English! By my bud, Zack Davisson! Cutie Honey: The Classic Collection is a must-get for, well, pretty much, either everyone or no one, depending on what you like to read. ^_^ 

In this original story (well told once again in the Cute Honey Universe anime last year) Kisaragi Honey learns she is an android with supernatural abilities, and is pursued by the Panther Claw gang, led by the odious Sister Jill, her boss Panther Nora, and an Island of Dr. Moreau‘s worth of creepy animal-human hybrids.

In attempting to hide from Panther Claw, Honey enrolls in Saint Chapel Girl’s School (which itself is the ur-ridiculous-girl’s-school-name in Yuri) and meets Natsuko, Na-chan, who falls hard for Honey on sight. Natsuko isn’t alone in this, Honey is the object of desire for students and teachers alike. She also ends up being the object of  desire for the obscene Junpei and Danpei Hayami, as well as being admired  and supported by journalist Seiji Hayami – who ends up being damseled for his efforts. Aside from that, there is a little bit of ugly lesbian sex in the form of two of the teachers at Saint Chapel, and a bit of non-consensual BDSM, as well.

Honey is not successful in hiding out at Saint Chapel, instead bring danger upon the school. With many casualties. As I said when I reviewed the Japanese edition, “The end of the main part of the story is violent with a capital “Oh my god!” Which was made truly appalling by the light-hearted romp that was the final chapter in which Honey destroys Sister Jill and sings her own musical theme.” 

I love Go Nagai. Have I mentioned that? Well I do. I love that he layers cute and awful here to make a mille-feuille of WTF.  This manga is brilliant and horrific at the same time and, not despite the horror – but because of it. 


Art – Godawful except when its not
Story – Violent and weird, except for the cute bits
Characters – Creepy, unless/until they aren’t
Service – 100%
Yuri – 15%

Overall – Brilliant

I am beside myself with joy that you, too, are able to read this manga, and I hope you will. Much of my inspiration as a Yuri fanatic is because of Nagai’s work. This is a piece of our history, kept in a softcore scrapbook made by creepy Uncle Go.


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