Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – February 2, 2019

February 2nd, 2019

100th Anniversary of Yuri

This week we unveiled our 100th Anniversary event! In conjunction with PacSet travel, Yuricon and Okazu will be holding a Yuri-themed tour of  Tokyo and the surrounding area. Read about the 100 Years of Yuri Tour and we hope you’ll join us for this once-in-a-lifetime event and take a list to this week’s podcast about why we call 2019 the 200th anniversary of Yuri!


Yuri Manga

Watashi no Kobushi wo Uketomete, Volume 2 (私の拳をうけとめて) continues the yanki x yanki love(?) story by murata. 

Bloom Into You, Volume 6 will be hitting bookstores in English at the end of March.

MURCIÉLAGO, Volume 13 (ムルシエラゴ) is available in Japanese. Whee!

The sequel to Kabi Nagata’s Hitori Koukan Nikki (一人交換日記) is out in Japa and the the English edition, My Solo Exchange Diary, Volume 2, hit she;eves here this month!

And while we’re on the topic, don’t miss Mikan Uji’s one-shot about love at a game development company, Now Loading…! which is out now.

And Yuri Hime is releasing a collection of digital Comics by ED, as Lillium Terarium (リリウム・テラリウム)


Other News

ANN reports on the first-ever male PreCure’s voice actor’s feelings about becoming Cure Infini and I gotta say, it’s lovely. ^_^

Boo, Bandai Namco is dropping Sailor Moon Drops game on March 28. Doodyheads. Check out ANN for the details.

Via YNN Correspondent Michelangelo H., here’s a short video on the History of Homosexuality in Film from 2015.

Another ANN report today, as anime voice actors are enjoying the Strong Woman Maker app. That was a few minutes of fun. ^_^


Do you have questions about Yuri? Write in and ask and I’ll do my best to address them on the Okazu YNN Podcast! Become a YNN Correspondent by reporting any Yuri-related news with your name and an email I can reply to! 

Thanks to all of you – you make this a great Yuri Network!

9 Responses

  1. Ivan Van Laningham says:

    Now Loading…! is a one-shot? Bummer. I really liked it. It started out like a New Game-alike, but soon turned into a very sweet adult romance. I was hoping VERY much for at least a few more follow-ups to fill in some of the happily-ever-after blanks.

  2. Super says:

    Via YNN Correspondent Michelangelo H., here’s a short video on the History of Homosexuality in Film from 2015.

    Oh, Philadelphia. I know that this is more a film about AIDS than homosexuality, but nevertheless Tom Hanks and Antonio Banderas were incredibly charismatic and neutral in their portrayal of gay male couple.

  3. CW says:

    “The sequel to Kabi Nagata’s Hitori Koukan Nikki (一人交換日記) will be making it’s JP release this week”

    It came out in Japan a year ago.

    “And Yuri Hime is releasing a collection of Twitter Comics by ED, as Lillium Terarium (リリウム・テラリウム)”

    The tank collects a Yuri-Hime@Pixiv serialization.

    The serialization was based on a 4 page piece which got quite heavily retweeted when it was posted on twitter.

  4. Hen_yo says:

    Since Hugtto was mentioned i figured this is a good place as any to ask: what’s the general opinion of the non Cure GLBT anime fans to Wakamiya’s character?

    i ask this because honestly speaking, articles in the internet generally praise the Cure Infini stuff. but if you look carefully there are rough spots. Infini was a two off deal and he did nothing remotely Cure like outside of transforming(and even then it was…low budget for the lack of a better word) another is that he only appeared for a few episodes leaving his character arc very rushed, at least in my opinion.

    and then there’s this article that got a LOT of details about the show wrong. especially Wakamiya.


    • I can’t comment on the general opinion, but I was on Twitter when the show aired and – at least in my feed, which is fairly open and welcoming – people were positive. That’s hardly a representative survey, but I was pleased to see it. ^_^

      • Hen_yo says:

        I see. thank you for the reply. to be honest i was afraid to ask this question. some precure fans just couldn’t handle criticism even when its warranted.
        Wakamiya’s moment would have been a bigger thing if it was executed better.

        though to be honest, i want PreCure to have an actual lesbian character than a male Cure.

        • I try to avoid series-specific fandoms, which can be very conservative and intolerant. But for a series meant for young viewers, I think PreCure tends to be pretty accepting. Of course I would love to see an actual lesbian in PreCure, too. Heck, just about any anime! ^_^

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