Just back home from the 100 Years of Yuri Tour and we’re already working on the next set of events! Here is my October appearance schedule:
October 3-6, New York Comic Con, Javits Center, New York, NY
I will be on at least one panel on Sunday and will be taking a look at this year’s AnimeFest at Hudson Mercantile.
Oct 15-16 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Tuesday, October 15, 5PM, B122 Wells Hall, MSU Campus
I will be talking about about Rose of Versailles and Sailor Moon to a class on translation. They each pose a significant set of challenges to translators and adapters. This is free and open to the public (check with the school for registration.)
Wednesday, October 16, 5PM, Rom 301 International Center, MSU Campus
We’ll be talking about 100 Years of Yuri!
Oct. 25 Diversity Con, Fashion Institute of Technology NYC, NY
This is a brand-new event that is specifically focusing on marginalized communities within comics. There’s a lot of potential and I have hope that it will be grand.
I’m hoping that I’ll be at AnimeNYC, in November as well. Fingers crossed. ^_^ Let ’em know you want me there!
“This is a brand-new event that is specifically focusing on marginalized communities within comics. There’s a lot of potential and I have hope that it will be grand”.
Did you mean sexual, gender and ethnic minorities? I am new to American terminology, so I am afraid to misunderstand you.
All kinds of marginalized communities. You will understand best if you click the link to the event and read about it there.
Hm, really. Thanks for the link, it really looks interesting.