Yuri Manga: White Lilies in Love Kaoru Toki, Anata ha. Shakijin Yuri Anthology (White Lilies in Love 花香るとき、貴方は。 社会人百合アンソロジー)

November 7th, 2019

White Lilies in Love Kaoru Toki, Anata ha. Shakijin Yuri Anthology (White Lilies in Love 花香るとき、貴方は。 社会人百合アンソロジー) is the next of the White Lilies in Love Anthology series from Kadokawa. The first one of this series that I reviewed, White Lilies in Love BRIDE’s 新婚百合アンソロジー, was centered around the theme of marriage. This volume is centered around springtime and sakura petals. And, as you might guess by that theme, I’m a little bit behind in reviewing this volume. ^_^

I did read this much earlier in the year, then forgot all about it. I read it again this summer, but was too busy to get to it and when it once again popped to the top of my to-review pile, I had, erm, forgotten the stories again. Not an auspicious beginning, but third time’s a charm and I can report that this was actually, a sweet anthology, my poor memory notwithstanding.

A managaka is tasked with drawing a love story centered around cherry blossoms. A young office worker finds relaxation and calm in the presence of an aquarium in the office lobby…and in the presence of the woman who designed it. An American who loves Japan, and who loves the sakura tree outside her Japanese friend’s room, is horrified to hear that her friend hates this time of year, because it means they’ll be parted. A woman who works at a match-making service makes a match for herself. And the initial color one-page story gets an adorable resolution at the end of the book.

Although the theme is spring, and the blossoming of the cherry trees, this is a very loose theme and those beautiful petals are often merely the background to a pleasant (or, in at least one case, unpleasant,) Yuri story.

Nothing here is ground-breaking, but it’s entertaining bedtime reading.


Art – Variable, some of it very good 8
Story – Same 8
Characters –  8
Service – 3 A bit
Yuri – 9

Overall – 8

This is exactly the kind of thing I enjoy reading before bed, when I want something light and fluffy. ^_^


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