Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – March 14, 2020

March 14th, 2020

Yuri Events

As you might have guessed, all the spring and many of the summer events have been – or ought to be – canceled. My appearances are officially postponed until further notice. My apologies if you had made plans to see me at Anime Boston or elsewhere. Hopefully we’ll make it happen next year.

The Yuriten Yuri Fair has been postponed also until further notice. I’ll hope this means I’m more likely to be able to make it there once again.

A series of YuruYuri collaboration with Princess Cafes in Japan have been announced. They seem to be still happening at this time, but check the website for details.

To salve our unhappiness, Takashima Hiromi-sensei has posted this adorable picture of Yamada and Kase-san celebrating White Day on Twitter.

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Yuri Visual Novels

Noodletub Games wants you to know about it’s Kickstarter for LOVE BAKUDAN, an 18+ Yuri Visual Novel where you run an erotic bookstore. Cleverly, you’ll be able to read some of the actual books within the game. The Kickstarter has already hit it’s goal, and the first stretch, but could use help reaching the later stretch goals with about a week to go. I love reporting on successful, still-running Kickstarters. You know you’ll get what you’re backing and you can feel extra good about pushing it forward!

YuriMother has some very cool news about A Summer’s End – Hong Kong 1986 being released on PC, Mac and Linux. This Yuri Visual novel is rooted in LGBTQ history of Hong Kong in the 1980s, which I think makes it especially interesting. Check out the link above for YuriMother’s post with screencaps and details.


Yuri Anime

Mamoru Oshi’s Vlad Love trailer is a 4-minute long music video with theme by BlooDye. Don’t worry, I’m already working on the limerick. ^_^ Crystalyn Hodgkins has the full details and visuals over at ANN.


Queer Film

One more Kickstarter today because this looks so amazing I can’t not tell you about it:  AND THEN, a “short film about two women who meet and grow closer to each other through insomnia, exploring a new city, and art.” This short blew threw its initial goal on the first day and 4 of its stretch goals already! I’m kinda hoping we can push this baby through the final stretch goal to give the crew a chance to film scenes that had to be cut for budget’s sake. 


Queer Novels

My gods, there are so many novels with sexual and gender minorities right now, I’m inundated! Tor.com contributes more to the piles with Joel Cunningham’s look  at Six Recent SFF Novels That Give No Effs About Genre Distinctions and Lee Mandelo’s Ten Years of Queering SFF: Five Series From the Last Decade That Can’t Be Missed.

I’ll have a review of one of my recent good reads for you tomorrow. ^_^


Other News

YuriMother has this terrific interview with Shilin Huang, creator of Amongst Us and Carciphona on her site.

We’re going to be inside for a while and, although I imagine most of us have our anime streaming and manga ebook accounts all ready to go, one of the things I’m always hoping is to encourage you to listen and read and enjoy art widely. To that end, here are three ways to enjoy fine art and music during the current plague year:

The Metropolitan Opera is streaming a free Opera every night during its closure. The opening choices are the Opera Pops, with Carmen, Il Tavatori, La Boheme, La Traviata and other instantly recognizable shows.

The Berlin Philharmonic is opening its  Digital Concert Hall for free to anyone who wants to enjoy it. That’s more than 600 concerts for you to enjoy from this world-class orchestra.

And last for this week, Travel and Leisure lists 12 Museums from around the world that you can tour for free online.

These are trying times, but what an opportunity to catch up on all this reading and watching and VNs and concerts and more. ^_^


Become a YNN Correspondent by reporting any Yuri-related news with your name and an email I can reply to – thanks to all of you – you make this a great Yuri Network! Special thanks to Okazu Patrons for being an essential part of the team!


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