I cannot believe that in 2020 I have to say this, but recently there have been a spate of really grotesque comments by supposed fans here on Okazu. I’m not talking about harassment, that’s always ridiculous and not at all worth worrying about. I’m talking about some new fans here on Okazu who have, in recent days, posted really not-okay things in the comments. As a result I have updated the Community Standards & Commenting Guidelines for 2020. Please read them
Today I have added this passage to the guideline forbidding ad hominem attacks against other commenters or readers:
This guideline also bans comments with any expressions of prejudice, including, but not limited to: transphobia, homophobia, fatphobia, ableism, misogyny, misogynoir, racism, sexism, ethnocentrism, white supremacy, religious intolerance or bias against gender or sexual minorities. Pedophilia/pederasty are explicitly not included in this list and regards to those, apologist comments are unwelcome and will be removed.
But let me be VERY clear. At Okazu we love and adore our trans siblings. Transphobic comment are unwelcome and will never be allowed. Full stop. Fatphobic comments are equally unwelcome. So are all your purity tests, and anything else I disagree with. Okazu is my blog. Intolerance will not be tolerated. Everyone is welcome here…except bigots.
To the people who claim Okazu cannot be a real Yuri blog unless I fulfill some criteria they made up. You like a genre called Yuri because I helped create it. There would be no “Yuri” without me, you dumb fucks. ^_^
A good policy. The only thing I can think of that’s missing is ableism.
That is a very good point and I’m very sorry I forgot it. I will add it now. Thank you.
Saddens me how much specificity people need to act apppropriately when a simple maxim from an 80’s movie should suffice – “be excellent to each other.” (Or, as I phrase it because Im more blunt, “just don’t be an asshole.)
As my wife is fond of pointing out, though, however absurdly obvious or detailed a rule seems, “it wouldn’t be a rule if someone hadn’t already tried to do it.”
Your wife is very wise. ^_^
Are you talking about Billy and Ted? Unfortunately, even in 2020, there are people who are unable to understand such simple messages.
To the people who claim Okazu cannot be a real Yuri blog unless I fulfill some criteria they made up. There would be no Yuri without me, you dumb fucks. This blog is 20 years old.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. ^_^
I can’t believe you need to spell it out for people, but it is nice to see it specified explicitly! Even if it’s been clear through your actions and posts for literally decades.
Hey Tsu, long time no see! ^_^ As I recently explained to someone, every day someone new walks in the door, no idea how to behave, what has been done or said and you gotta explain it over again. You remember how it was on the channel.