No YNN Report Today

August 22nd, 2020

It’s been 8 months straight for the weekly Yuri Network News report and today, I’m taking a day off. ^_^ We’re working hard on a new video for Yuri Studio right this very moment…stay tuned! If you’ve enjoyed our Yuri News Reports, anime, manga, film, books and VN reviews, and hope to see more, please consider supporting us on the Okazu Patreon.We’re hoping to get 3 new patrons by the end of the month to stay on track for 2020.

Okazu Patrons get recognition on the front page of Okazu, a nifty hand-crafted digital badge, behind-the-scenes access and sneak peaks on new projects, polls to drive the direction of our work. Patrons can ask questions used in our Yuri panels and which we’ll address in upcoming videos! Sometimes, Patrons get access to contests or little gifts of thanks, because we can. ^_^

Every dollar makes a direct impact on what we can pay writers, and technical staff…as well as keeping us in the center of a thriving Yuri ecosystem. $5/month moves us a big step forward. Thank you to our current Okazu patrons, your support is greatly appreciated.

I’ll see you again next week here on the YNN Report!


2 Responses

  1. Super says:

    I’m apologize, but what topic do you want to devote to the next video? If this is not intrigue, of course.

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