The best romantic comedies, in my opinion, are ones that stop trying to be a comedy. In Volume 1, this series was definitely a comedy.
Lonely Girl ni Sakaraenai, Volume 2 (ロンリーガールに逆らえない) is something else. It’s a story about a person who had pretty much given up on life, finding someone who puts joy and color back into it.
But first we have to deal with a transfer student from Osaka who appears to be trying to split Ayana and Sora up…but don’t worry, it’s just a thin plot complication to make them admit that they like each other. Not to each other, but to themselves at least.
And then we settle in for some nice friendship stuff and school sports day stuff and Sora finding that Ayana has become the light in her life. Ayana, some steps behind, ask if they can become friends for real, but will that be enough for Sora? Only time (and anyone reading this book for like a chapter) will tell. ^_^
Despite the goofy premise, that initially veered a little closer than I like to something that could have gone into boundary breaking and unhealthy relationships, this series has been actually quite gentle and sweet. It’s still got some room to be complicated, as Sora’s family situation is not a good one, and Ayana is planning on college, but I presume that both creator Kashikaze and the editors will handwave the conflicts away because we do not work through things for real all that often in the pages of Comic Yuri Hime. (Which is not to say we never do…come back tomorrow and we will in actual fact look at a series that does the work.)
Art – 7
Characters – 8
Story – 8
Yuri – 7
Service – 1
Overall – 8
Watching Ayana and Sora helping each other to find something to enjoy in life, is honestly very pleasant.