“Why Is There More Boy’s Love than Yuri?” on Yuri Studio

March 5th, 2021

Welcome to the new season of Yuri Studio – we have a new look and a new video to start off the new year! This is another question I get all the time.

So,  in our first video for 2021, I answer Why is There More Boys Love than Yuri?



I hope you will give this video a “Like” on Youtube and subscribe to the Yuri Studio channel. Because YouTube-oniisan watches over us, these things are very important to helping the video be recommended and shared. ^_^;

If you’d like to ask questions that we’ll consider answering on future videos or support more videos, become an Okazu Patron. We’re only a handful of people away from passing 100 patrons and that would be a huge benchmark for us! ^_^

I hope you enjoy this video. I really enjoyed making it. Ad a quick shout out to Louise for editing and Pattie for the design.

Give this a watch and let me know what you think in the YT comments!

7 Responses

  1. Megan says:

    Excellent video as always! Definitely one I’ll keep on file for when this discussion comes up as it quite often does.

    As a fan of both genres since near the time I got (back) into anime and related, I’ve long since made peace with the fact Yuri is and will probably continue to be less popular than BL, but I will admit to find it frustrating how, even in queer fandom spaces and people who are atleast open to reading/watching Yuri, it can be an uphill battle to draw attention to the many well handled Yuri and WLW narratives in anime and manga these days, while it can often be easier for even relatively subtextual BL/ish to get a lot of attention and praise.

    I find it interesting how the greater popularity of M/M media compared to F/F is widespread – in solely western focused fandom and related original fiction, M/M slash appears more popular than F/F, and in parts of Asia like Thailand BL has essentially gone mainstream, or so I’m told. Ofcourse, to the extent repression of women’s sexuality accounts for this trend, it will apply almost everywhere.

    • Thank you. When you remember that all culture for all of history has focused on men, it’s not that bizarre to imagine that any and all culture that centers women will get less – and less serious – attention. Which is exactly why I do these videos. ^_^

  2. Mariko says:

    Well done! You definitely seem to be getting more comfortable in front of the camera, this video is noticeably more conversational.

    PS – I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what the pictures on the wall were of. XD You could probably do multiple videos just showing off the best pieces of your collection!

    • Thank you very much.

      I’m very pleased with my little art gallery. ^_^ I did a video for Patrons that was a tour, maybe I’ll do a public one at the next Yuri panel.

  3. Jeffrey says:

    As a pansexual femboy it’s always seemed like there’s way more yuri than BL, and what BL there is ends up having tons of trashy rape tropes in it, making it entirely insufferable for someone looking for MLM romance. Or my lesbian friend really enjoyed Kindred Spirits and thought it was extremely wholesome and valuable, and asked me about what gay male equivalents to Kindred Spirits there are so that she could suggest them to a friend. But there’s virtually no valuable, emotionally rich MLM VNs to speak of, and simply few MLM VNs that dont have the same old sexual assault garbage.

    My husband predominantly reads yuri mangas of many kinds- from short and sort of junky but relatively OK, to high quality emotionally rich ones and so on, as a replacement for the fact that there’s almost no decent gay mangas for him to read. There’s also a lot more relationships with lesbian subtext in anime for us to root for, than MLM ones..

    But I think a lot of that relates to perception(me instantly filtering out rapey BL may deflate my perception of BL’s numbers) and audience. Mainstream straight men tolerate yuri way more easily than they do yaoi, and so any market where they dominate is going to more easily have the former, and a negative of that is that those lesbian relationships are going to way more often be designed for straight men than for WLW. So I guess I’m saying it may depend on what medium you’re looking at. Maybe in 2 decades I’ll be able to find more good MLM or nonbinary stories. At least Love Me For Who I Am came out!

    Also, I really liked your video “Yuri: How it Began – How it’s Going”. I’ve had a lot of the same feelings about wanting more openly gay content, but at least enjoyed the gradual shifts in these mediums/genres. I hope you have a great weekend!

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