Watashi no Kobushi wo Uketomete, Volume 4 (私の拳をうけとめて!)

April 13th, 2021

Watashi no Kobushi wo Uketomete, Volume 4 does something wonderful. But first….

Soramori and Takebe are taking a trip. To an onsen. Overnight.

Yeah, and don’t think they haven’t considered that. It’s all they can both think about. But, before that, they play a little Edo period dress up and Takebe sucks at shuriken, but looks cool doing it. When bed time comes around they are bot so sure they are the only one with those thoughts, it doesn’t happen.

The rest of the volume keeps that level of tension, just about ready to burst. Until it’s just too much. Takebe has something she has GOT to say to Soramori but she just can’t quite find the right atmosphere. Finally alone, on a paddle boat in the middle of a lake Soramori says she knows that Takebe doesn’t like her. Horrfied that her message is not getting across accurately Takebe grabs Soramori by the collar and kisses her. As Soroamori struggles, Takebe *finally* says what she wants to say, what she’s thought all along….that she likes Soramori. When Soramori opens the gift Takebe brings her and sees that it’s a bouquet of origami flowers, there’s no doubt, finally, that Takebe has made her point. At last.

I’m not generally a fan of sudden kisses, but this one felt pretty good after 4 volumes of Takebe just not being able to deal with her feelings, then not able to communicate them. But this was not the wonderful thing. The wonderful thing was that now their feelings for onw another were made plain…they talked about them a bit and Soramori ends the story with her own confession of love. THAT was the absolutely wonderful part – that they were able to say that to one another, at last. This was followed by a couple of shorts that give us a sense that this relationship is going to be okay. Also that Soramori’s apartment is oddly empty. It’s one of those moments that you’re reminded that, while Takebe appears to be less able to adult, Soramori is kinda faking it as well. ^_^


Art – 8
Story – 8
Characters – 8
Service – 0
Yuri – 7

Overall – 8

Murata-sensei really sticks the landing here.

I understand why no one but me might care about this story, but something about gang girls who have aged into adulthood and managed to find love and share ridiculous hobbies together makes me really happy. I’m kind of a sucker for post-gang life characters generally, but also a huge sucker for Yuri couples that live happily ever after, after all. ^_^

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