Okazu Upcoming Events Calendar

November 8th, 2021

I am participating in some upcoming events and I wanted to give you a change to get registering. ^_^


Wednesday, November 17th @ 5:00pm ET for #MangaInLibraries The LGBTQ+ Community webinar! I will be joining a number of brilliant folks to talk about queer manga. I’m super excited. ^_^ Registration is free.

Saturday, November 20 @5:15 – 6:00, panel Room 5 at Anime NYC, I will be participating on GeeksOUT presents: Serving Magical Person Realness panel. We’ll be talking LGBQT+_ characters and series in manga. I intend to be there a little while that day, so say hello if you see me, I can’t stay too long.



In December, date TBA, The NYC Japan Foundation is having an online event, hosted by Dr. Deborah Shamoon and featuring Dr. Kazumi Nagaike, myself and hopefully a few other great speakers on “Girl’s Culture” and anime/manga.

We’ll also be doing our annual Okazu Online Patron Holiday Party in December. Become a patron and you can join in the fun! We’ll be zooming this year so we can all chat.



In February, I will once again be running a Translation workshop for Michigan State University. If it works like last year, if there is room, you will be welcome to join. This year we’re having 8 speakers, and a ton of great perspectives.


That takes me into Q1 2022 and I have a few other things in the works. I’ll keep you up to date. Hope to see you online or at Anime NYC. ^_^

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