Sasayakuyouni Koi wo Utau, Volume 5 (ささやくように恋を唄う)

November 18th, 2021

The battle of the bands is coming! Now that Yori-sempai has officially joined the SS Girls, they are raring to go. Only, they seem to have developed a rival in the process.

Shiho, leader of the band Lorelai, seems to have a history with SS Girls’ leader Aki and a bone to pick with Yori. But Himari kind of likes prickly Shiho and decides to get to know this new player on the stage. Unexpectedly, she meets Shiho one afternoon and asks the older girl to sit with her. Shiho tells Himari her whole backstory and, even she admits that it does not make her look great.

Himari gets an idea and, along with her sempai in the baking club, Momoka (who also has a history with Shiho,) they decide that only thing is, on the eve of the battle of the bands, the members of the two bands are brought together to hash their issues out. Reluctantly, Shiho agrees…but she has one condition. And that condition is intended to cause the most chaos possible.

I’ve mentioned how much I enjoy this series every volume, but this volume really puts a point on it. This story could have been Volume 5 of a generic Yuri love story, with Himari and Yori gavotting around one another; will they/ won’t they? Instead… I can’t wait for the battle of the bands! I *want* to hear/read Yori’s love song. I want to see if Shiho and Aki can be friends again. and see what will happen with the rival bands and the other wild card that just showed up. I’m not kidding, either. I really can’t wait to find out. ^_^


Art – 8
Story – 8
Characters – 9
Service – 0 It’s such a delight
Yuri – 8

Overall – 8

Takeshima Eku-sensei has created a charming story about characters you really want to know about… even if they are so cute they make my teeth hurt. ^_^

2 Responses

  1. Chimera says:

    This series is such a delight. I thought that another high school yuri would feel redundant but it turned out I was wrong. It has the feel-good factor and the drama is pretty light, but at no point does it feel shallow or trying too hard. I’m rooting for all the characters and looking forward to the future volumes (I’m at volume 4 right now).

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