Translators, Editors and Letterer Roundtable on Youtube

March 20th, 2022

This past winter I facilitated a 4-week workshop for Michigan State University on Japanese Pop Culture and Transmedia translation. Thanks to our sponsor Catherine Ryu and the incredible talent we gathered as workshop leaders, it was a raging success and we hope to be running it again next winter.

This workshop featured Zack Davisson, Louise Heal Kawai, Mari Morimoto, Sara Linsley, Sarah Moon, Jennifer O’Donnell, Jennifer Sherman and myself as speakers. Links to all of their public sites and contacts are in the show notes.

Because all of the workshop leaders had so much fun learning from one another and chatting online and on Zoom, we decided to do a post-workshop roundtable so we could sum up things we learned from each other and the lessons we wanted to share with everyone. That roundtable is now up on Youtube, where you can watch it at your convenience.




This was so much fun, I hope you’ll watch it and join us on our Discord and share your experiences in publishing manga! Don’t forget to give this video a like on Youtube.

We’re working on the next Yuri Studio video right now, so see you soon!  ^_^

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